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    Who was he in Heroes?

    Rob Thomas wants more peyton, too. He said in an interview that they couldn't afford her. I hope they can work things out for season 3.

    Oh, no! not Chang-nesia. That's hilarious.

    OK. How bout the most enjoyable show.

    Lets just call it the best written show on tv now. No qualifiers necessary.

    Major has to be Ross so that he can be dumped by Rachel when she turns into a zombie.

    Yep. when she punched her. But only because she was sleeping with Major. Not because she is the evil heir to the Max Rager Kingdom.

    I'm almost glad he meters out the VM characters slowly. I understand Sheriff Mars is coming back soon.

    I didn't get Blaine with the wine until afterwards. so the milk thing totally was a tip off for me and I feel that it was totally intended for the audience to get.

    What was the line? Remember the episode where Rachel turned into a zombie and had to break off the engagement with Ross.

    Another thing that has been hinted is that Maybe we will meet Liv's dad. I"m pretty sure that just Evan and his mom could complicate the story line. What about a mystery dad?

    This season, all the murderers seem sort of sympathetic.

    I listend to an interview of Rob Thomas on an iZombie podcast. They had written scenes for Liv's mom and brother. They even shot a few. but they had to cut out that plot thread because of time constraints. I think we might see them next season.

    I listened to a podcast interview of rob thomas, he said that he not only had scenes written for Liv's mom and brother, but they shot some of them. but had to cut them because of time constraints. Look forward to seeing the next season.

    Like Ravi, i find normal Liv unsettling.

    Wow! kudos to you sir.

    I didn't watch MOS long enough to get to the Rose parts. She was also in a another show, Revolutionary War period piece, I think. But I didn't watch that either.

    OMG! Not sure what I'm more excited about: Liv solving a case with Payton or Liv giving Payton a lap dance?! :P

    Which brings up my next question. How do they make zombies without tainted Eutopium? Is it a different kind of zombies? or is the Eutopium a red herring?

    When Major got the new name from Blaine - it went over my head till the very end. So i got surprised.