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    or like Blaine he has reverted. he just hasn't realized it yet.

    You think maybe Major saying "Goodnite Rita" was on purpose with the intended results?

    The whopper is worth watching over again for sure. I still don't understand the whole who shot who and when stuff.

    no. remember she had to put on makeup. and she never actually had sex with the reporter - she just was bait.

    That hadn't occurred to me. but you are so right.

    The Rita/Liv showdown was so expected and still a surprise. But what happens when Liv discovers Rita works at MR?

    I was sort of surprised they didn't do that. I thought shows liked to mess with our heads. They also could have ended the show on the look on Liv's face after Major said "Goodbye Rita". RT used a cliff hanger in the penultimate episode last season. So we know he doesn't hate them.

    I heard Rob Thomas in an interview that he couldn't afford Payton as a regular. And as far as ratings and another season go, I think its still touch and go.

    Or it might just be because Blaine is Drake's food supply.

    Who is Glenn?

    The show could have ended before Blaine came out of his grave. and then for the next couple of weeks we would have been analyzing the clues and debating if he is now a zombie and will survive. but i'm glad they didn't - who needs that kind of stress.
    They also could have ended the show when Major says "Goodbye

    oh, super, i didn't catch that.

    You can always borrow the DVDs from the library.

    If it wasn't already my favorite show, it would have boosted it to number one.

    Great explanation. but i think there are still some holes. but still … great job.

    Thought we covered that….
    Major was attempting to grab another zombie. but the Zombie had a panic room and trapped Major inside. and since he is a Zombie, instead of calling the police he called Blaine.

    Is the Ginger Rapture a thing? I googled it and all i got was some sort of flavored iced tea.

    I read or heard an interview and Rob stated that he wrote a 19 episode story arc. and IF the show was cut to 13 he would have to scramble to cut out scenes and episodes to make it fit.

    Back in Season one, in fact i think it was episode 1, Clive admits to hating Zombies and would down for shooting them at first sight - even his grandma. So maybe Liv thinks she should not go there. plus keeping secrets is her default mode.

    But do FBI agents like Whoppers? When she made the burger she though he was an FBI agent.