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    I'm pretty sure Little Emma was referencing the VM episode with the black baseball player who fixed a game. But really Emma, that's just two times in 10 years. not even close to an obsession.
    But Rob Thomas does thrown in a lot of sports stuff in his shows. Veronica dealt with little league, HS and college Basketball,

    She is! She is working to find out what happened to missing rich people. no bodies - not a murder. no ransom note - not a kidnapping. so its missing persons - Dale Bozzio. The writers sometimes are too cute for their own good.

    The writers on this show are experts on dialog. what is even bette is that almost every other line is funny, clever, or references something else.

    I agree. MY "story telling instincts" tell me Gilda/Rita might not be long for this world. But… my real worry is Major. He requires redemption, and on many shows (including this one - Remember Suzuki), a character finds redemption through sacrifice. How bout this: Major saves Payton from Blaine.

    Which is a little surprising. Ok granted that maybe they think the homicidal rages, that were investigated by the reporter last season, were done by some kind of zombies. But they observed Sebastian, they even video taped him. And they have gotten to know Liv.

    Oh! I didn't know that!

    Percy Diggs was Wallace in VM and the murderer of the week with an armed drone in iZombie.

    To be accurate, Liv is a Zombie ex-fiancee.

    I missed the Lubbock reference. And there are so many other actors from VM that I would rather see than Amanda. She is a beautiful actress but we all cheered when Veronica punched Madison in the nose.

    It might have been the same brain as the gay brain. but he ate a scientist's brain once. And he had a good science talk with Ravi.
    and the gay brain did affect his personality - just like with Liv- he couldn't have sex with her. and that's quite a shift.

    Clive and I both thought that was why the Lt wanted to see him in her office.

    OH my, a crazy ex girlfriend fan girl.

    The rock salt is so she doesn't slip on an icy sidewalk and scratch him.

    I get a kick out of the VM references , especially the occasional guest star. Right now I think they are upping the occurrences a little bit - but it might just be opportunity. I think a Neptune reference would go over a line. So would eating a teenage detective's brain. But couldn't Kristen make a guest appearance -

    But does super max make people into zombies all by itself, without tainted Utopium? And do Super Max zombies immediately become Romrero Zombies?

    I think they did a great job with the case of the week, especially how it impacted Major. I'm totally a Liv/Major shipper. Although I really liked Lowell and was sorry he got killed.

    I don't remember the VM reference about Holly, but there was another one while trying on clothes and Liv says that the dress belongs to someone, we used to be friends, a long time ago.

    We had one last season. I can't remember which episode but Clive was looking for missing Helton Shelter kids at the skate park and the guy he asked said a wino was missing who occasionally said, "Are we having fun yet?"

    Rob Thomas said a very similar thing in an interview. I don't think it even got filmed. they had to cut a lot of stuff out of the pilot

    What a great episode. and the writers are moving the season long arc along at a really good pace.
    Is the tainted utopium now a dead end?
    Super Max DOES make people into zombies - all by itself??!!
    Gilda/Rita now knows about Major and Liv. but I don't think Liv knows about them. could be an issue later on. but not as