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    I'm looking forward to it too, but it got some air let out of it now that Gilda know that Major and Liv are back on.

    Don't think Party Down gets enough references or guest star appearances. I want a Liz Caplan appearance! Meanwhile in the Veronica Mars references. I love the "Did you go to Hearst College" throwaway line. And bonus points to Carrie for spotting the use of a copier code to solve a crime - like VM did once. A long time

    The writers said that they had tried to come up with some kind of explanation for Clive accepting psychic powers so readily. but they didn't have the time. and since then its become moot. so now we wonder why Clive accepts her weirdness. Could be the same reason. Or just, Clive thinks all psychics are weird.

    Just in case you didn't get the reference.

    Yes and of course V only had her mad skills. no visions to help solve crimes. so it took longer :)

    OH! Of course. How punny.

    Blaine did kill Major. (its just that Liv brought him back to life) But Major deserved it, he just killed all of Blaine's hench men and blew up his store. But Blaine started it. He killed a bunch of Helton Shelter kids and ate their brains. Their meet cute is gonna be awesome.

    Sac and pac or Sack and Pack…. that is the store that Wallace works at. S1E1, Wallace calls the police when the bike club shoplifts beer. We meet the sherif and weevil in the parking lot.
    Then Wallace gets tied to a flagpole and meets Veronica.
    at the beginning of this episode when the clerk at the Sack and Pack got

    I was kind of thinking more in the line of old west stuff. guns drawn. shots fired.

    Yes. You're right. In fact lately a lot of the victims' personalties were completely taking her over. I was thinking it might be a trend or a side effect.

    Well except for all the little southern or country sayings. which were hilarious. oh and the singing, and the song writing

    thumbs up for her new lighter longer hair.

    about the make up. I noticed that too, and as far back as the last couple of episodes last season. I attributed it to a better make up artist. Last season sometimes you could see a shininess to Rose's face. Now it looks more naturally pale.
    Also remember last season almost every episode had some one remarking on

    Rob Thomas in an interview said that VM had a formula or template. Each show was in 7 acts. An intro, a conclusion, 4 red herrings, and one real clue. When writing iZ, he had to limit it to two red herrings to leave time for all the zombie stuff.

    Who are the Hemsworth brothers?

    Orphan Black had a plot point on prions. Totally lost me. But I'm pretty sure it would be really bad new if Liv ate some Boy Clone's brains.

    Ohmygosh. super kudos to you. So far you seem to be the only person to realize those brains were hush puppies.
    The only thing is if Liv ate puppy brains the would be just way too adorable.

    Not a cook book. A cooking show. Those little artsy meal preps are fantastic. I'm vegetarian so I'm going to try for tofu brains.

    Also, I don't think any of Clive's cases have gone to court. He just gets confessions. We can also assume that he doesn't go to Liv with every one of his cases. Remember last season he had two or three cases on the murder board when Liv came up to get him on the skydiver case. I think Clive is also smart enough to

    This show loves funny names for businesses. I don't always get the references tho. Does Shady Plots reference something?