
In the afterglow of Thanksgiving, I’d like to take a moment to be thankful...Dear Lord, I’m thankful that social media did not exist when I was that age. I’m thankful that I never got herpes or a DUI or even a bad tattoo. I’m not sure how I managed that, but thank you forever and ever. Amen.

oh my god whoever made that accurate AF gif??

They twerk almost as good the inventor of twerking, Miley Cyrus

You realized that TODAY?!? Bruh. Bubba Sparxx has been rapping since 1847.

It’s that Dunning-Kruger effect at work! I often remind myself to have (or at least fake) the confidence of a mediocre white man. They’ve got that confidence shit figured out, no matter what idiots they are.


Man Living in Gaudiest Glass House Throws Stones, Misses

YUP. Only 45 would.... and making those assumptions are dangerous. He’s basically telling people “he must have grabbed her by the “ya know” by pic 6.... cause that’s what he would do.

Damn, my state is so fucked up. I’m definitely voting for Jones and IMA get my grandma out the nursing home so she can vote for him too. Fuck Roy, fuck trump, and fuck all the MF that vote for them.

You in the DMV? Imma need to meet your family that is producing all these men looking like Collin Kaepernick.

You got an uncle that looks like Collin?

Did you miss that the magazine is Grazia UK?

Nope, there’s never an “appropriate” time to talk about gun control. The hold the NRA has on the GOP is something I’ll never understand.

Trump knows very well that Obama was born in the USA, he just cannot handle the fact that a black man is far more erudite than himself.

As a pacifist I’d like to watch someone beat their asses.

I’m sorry your life is so sad that this is how you choose to live it.

Fuck you. Seriously? “a wrangler of such folks”? She’s a human being. She doesn’t need wrangling, she needs care.

The first one? I’ve occasionally kicked off my shoes in the office when they were killing my feet and it didn’t impact anyone but me. I stayed in my office, took one trip down the hall to the supply closet, but that’s about it. No big deal.

Unless you’re a lifeguard, I can think of no work place where it’s appropriate to walk around barefoot.