

Hmm. It might depend on your area. We did BA for a year and it really started to decline towards the end - bad produce, missing items, etc. The recipes took much longer than they said and everything burned if we used their instructions so we learned to always adjust (we had new, freshly calibrated appliances - we’d

You can with other services? We did BA for a year but now we use a different one and you can pick from like 6 or 7 meals each week.

If they gave you crap produce they wouldn’t be around long? We use a different meal kit service (not BA), and the produce is super fresh and often somehow lasts for a good week or more in the fridge.

Soooooo much absurd/misinformed judging here and all over these comments. It’s some weird holier than thou nonsense or something...

It’s not wheel reinventing, and, like, not everyone is you? People have different lives and experiences and priorities. Funny how that works.

Lmao no. Meal kits are so freaking much easier. You don’t have to slog through questionable recipes online and you can try all sorts of foods and cooking techniques that you normally might not and the recipes are tested for time and whatnot. Everything’s all portioned out (we’re just two people, and you can’t buy,

Republicans are so profoundly absurd, I honestly cannot tell anymore what’s meant to be serious and what’s parody...

My husband says he just has resting Pope face.

Goddamn. What an asshole.

I love his short stories and novellas.

HOW do you not know Kara is black??? Her photo’s right there, duh.

As a former Floridian, FUCK YOU FLORIDA.


I can’t take credit! It comes from Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist.

Ugh. What a fistfull of assholes.

You must mean Billington? Cause Mao is actually pretty great.

Same for law librarian conferences!

Used to work there. Not sure you'd want to live there, as cool as it might sound in the very-abstract. :)