
Before one of y’all thin-skinned, pasty faces asks why I made this about race: BECAUSE REPRESENTATION MATTERS, BITCH.

Breanna, thank you for putting this story out with Hepatitis B(ecky)‘s mugshot front and center. I’ve seen too many articles using the nasty bitch’s “cute” instapics and I’ve been calling out the authors. Fuck that noise.

Exactly. I was also scanning my post like, “where the hell did I even mention Hillary?” Or even say Sanders was the inferior candidate, for that matter?


I absolutely hate when they use the “they’re minors” defense. I was a minor who did stupid things. None of those stupid things every involved racism. There’s no excuse for doing some racist BS.

The guy better damn well be charged. He killed a little boy.

I took the written police test 2x in IL. When it was just a test on stuff like reading maps, order of operations, reading comprehension, etc, I got a 97%. The second time, the test had almost 100 “personality” questions, gauging how you feel about drinking after work, drug use, stealing, some other stuff I don’t even

Because it fucking works. We have rape shield laws not because we all know that the victim’s past sexual behavior is irrelevant in a rape case, but because a large portion of America is quite certain that it is centrally relevant. We had to pass a law specifically because it is such a perfect defense before a jury.

The Twitter giveth, and The Twitter taketh away. Put the phone down, Donnie.

I love that he’s finally getting some consequences for his tweets! (this and Bergdahl’s sentencing)

You make stupid look so easy!

nah. I’m pretty sure USA didn’t go to war for that, but good try man

Hot blond? If this girl were walking around the mall you wouldn’t give her a second glance. Basic white sorority girl from my point of view.

I was unaware that the flag had hearts on it...

That’s not the flag sweetheart.

How is this asshole out of the greys but Ray-Han remains invisible?

Thank you, that was what I was struggling to describe. He’s not being fair to other victims, and I’m struggling to be fair to him...as I should.

I’m sure the survivors he criticized don’t feel too good about being criticized by another survivor either. He doesn’t get a pass to say incendiary things like the Weinstein survivors “took a deal” and “kept their mouth shut” and got an “upside.” Did he ever consider that the Weinstein survivors are/were just as

No, they were notes she had written. I found later she was writing a YA book about experiencing a past life in the Holocaust and had gotten overwhelmingly negative feedback on her draft to the tune of "this is just you trying to work something out." But the notes were just ramblings she had written, printed out and