Congratulations! Best wishes for continued success in 2017.
Congratulations! Best wishes for continued success on 2017.
Congrats on getting your debt paid off! I hope that’s me by next Xmas!
I’m so sorry. Hugs to you and best wishes for 2o17. 2016 was a dumpster fire.
Good luck! Fingers crossed for you :)
Do you have dairy sensitivity? Most are full of it (whey). Vega brand means I don’t leave scorch marks everywhere. Plant based ones can be gritty though so always need to blend with a banana to disguise.
Best wishes!
Hugs. And best wishes for the new year
Missed you at sns last week as I passed out. Hope you get to relax tomorrow. Merry Christmas/ bah humbug and best wishes for 2017.
Me either. I decided not to guilt myself over it. Spent today on my own watching romance movies.....and we decided not to visit family tomorrow. It’s taken a lot of pressure off. The giant cold and copious cough drugs helped to distract as well.
Hope 2017 is a better one. Hugs.
Congratulations! Although people should do something for you without being told you should just ask your husband what he is going to plan for your celebration. Sometimes people are oblivious.
Hopefully your brother and sister can run some interference for you. When I have to get through a difficult situation I try to concentrate on breathing deeply and getting through blocks of time until it is over.
It’s not dumb, it’s a loss and you are still grieving. Hugs and condolences.
Turn the scar into a Santa mouth, add some cotton balls, take a pic and BOOM Xmas card arty gifts done!
It’s a collection of stories from her life. She has a unique voice and can make you laugh and then cry and then laugh again all in the span of a few pages. She has a blog called bitches gotta eat that will give you a sense of her writing. It’s honest and wierd and she says things we all think but don’t say out loud.
Do you get multiple ones along jaw? I have no idea how this works and thought it would be a waste of money but it provides more lasting relief for me than massage. It gives me great sleeps too!