
I just read this and hope I am able to sleep tonight. This is terrifying! I feel like a rational person but had a couple of run ins wirh freaky things. Apartment that had doors that opened and lights flickered. Woke up feeling like i was being choked. One day my roommate and I discovered a patch a strange slime not


Thanks! I love the sachets but so pricey :( room spray I got from them didn’t smell very lavender like though. Will give their body scents a try.

Hope things are looking up for you. Hugs.


I love this but have never made it! Any recipes or tips?

Have you found a good lavender perfume? The hand lotions tend to be a bit old fashioned and heavy.


Are they that good? I debated buying the first one but didn’t know if it would be too too much.

What happened in your house???? Also second the question about how to get your house to have good vibes.

13 ways of looking at a fat girl by Mona Awad. Short stories, first book, very good.

You either have to laugh or cry sometimes. Take care.

Yes! I totally am binging next weekend!

Glad you finally have a date - and an excellent hospital . Two months though! I feel for you. You need to treat yourself to a good vacation after all of this is over.

That’s a lot of people in one house. You must be craving any kind of alone time.

Hugs. I don’t have any advice but I wish you well.

Oooh I have the Kettering incident on my list but was worried it was a top of the lake knock off. Good? What’s 3%?

I didn’t set new years resolutions as I didn’t think I could keep them. This year I am going to try small changes as the all or nothing route is very hard and makes me feel awful. Hugs for the rough time you’ve had. You aren’t a flunkie, you just had a bad day. Tomorrow’s a new one.

This made me laugh so hard. You are part way to your next Halloween costume!

I’ve cried during yoga and longwalks and...bus rides. As I get older stress and grief seem to manifest physically for me (shoulders, neck, back). When I start to stretch these areas out the muscle release can often be accompanied by an emotional release as well.