I had one I loved that fit like dream and one I hated but had to keep as custom sizes. Material choice was key (cotton was awesome).
I had one I loved that fit like dream and one I hated but had to keep as custom sizes. Material choice was key (cotton was awesome).
I dont have any advice but welcome and big hug.
Big hug! Fingers crossed it’s okay. Have a ball dress shopping! Do you know what you want?
Oh man that is just a horrible day. How are you holding up? Even though it’s supposed to be ‘the easy’ cancer it’s all very scary. Do you have a sense of when the next operation may be? It sounds like you have a great hospital team you will be working with. That’s good news about your work situation too!
That sounds brutal! Is your neck still sore? Do you just see the surgeon once more and then switch to an endocrinologist for monitoring and hormone adjustment? I am a bit nervous about going in. We have a thyroid clinic within the hospital here that is going to do the surgery, monitor me for 6 hours then send me…
Is it the thyroid hormone shift? Are you sleepy / exhausted? How longafter surgery before they test your tsh? I’m getting half of mine removed on Thursday and wondering what it will be like afterwards. Hope you feel better soon.
Family drama is so stressful, I hope this sorts itself out. In my family (and in-laws) the men are less close to their parents than the women. But the blame always falls on the wives.... it is not fun.
That is impressive! I want to save for a vacation in cash but it seems so hard to do. Where are you going in London?
You can do it. Big hug, firsts of any kind in the year after a death are tough.
Congratulations!! That’s awesome. Best wishes :)
Hi, I had a friend who had a series of relationships that ended badly, some spectacularly badly. In her mid 30's she met a man online dating. They have been together for over a decade and now have 3 kids. Great couple who are very happy. Life has all kinds of ups and downs. It may seem awful now but it will get…
Try out! If you make it yay! If you don’t, you can find out what to work on before next year’s try out. Good luck! Roller derby looks so fun but I am uncoordinated and scared of the pain, you have my admiration :)
I know that there’s a lot of eye rolling with gluten these days but it took years for my dad to be diagnosed as celiac. It caused a lot of stomach issues, hives, fatigue. It’s in a lot of things but at least swapping out toast for oatmeal (may have some gluten depending on processing but far less than bread) could…
Hope you feel better soon! Sounds like you might be getting some synthroid in your future.
Keep trying. I had a fall out with a family member that happened after a death. We were all struggling to get through and the stress magnified little things and I was not myself. Thankfully we got through it and had a good cry and now are best friends again . But it took a while.
Waiting is the most frustrating activity ever. Especially when it involves medical stuff. Feel free to vent here and let us know how things are going.
My favourite episode so far has been the leg shaving one. Seeing those little hairs waving in the wind made my day.
Internet hug. It sounds like everyone is dealing with a lot right now. Although it’s hard not to be upset maybe they are so overwhelmed with their own problems that they cant see you need them. Try not to give up on them, once some time has passed it will get better.
Internet hug and hope you have a counselor you can speak with.