Lothar Von Richthofen

Kiss my face!

He also sells d-bol and will help you cycle it properly.

I'm not in therapy for that! I don't even know what your talking about!

No no no no no! You are in no way a dead ringer for Jim Cramer!
You're an attractive person with a lovely personality!

Well I look forward to you seeing you pump stocks on CNBC that you're actually planning to sell real soon.

You sound scared of MASSIVE PROFITS!!!!!!!!!!!

Nicklas Backstrom is a lot better than whatever this crap is.

The whole, "I'm so not racist that I can make racist jokes that will shock you into laughter" shtick is getting kind of old.

Tell me about it. I got to pay a plumber $150 over the holidays after my nephew flushed a ton of those down my toilet.

Thanks for the link. Very cool tests, I'll have to keep up with that guy.

I would say anything at this point. Yes.

Last night was tagliatelle with sausage meat, escarole and portobellos in tomato sauce.

Both of those soups sound really good.

I stayed up for about 28 hours straight working, drinking and faffing around on here. I then had a large pancake with Grade B (!) syrup, which is like a poke in the eye for me, and three scrambled eggs.

Deracinate, pubis and babbling. It's lovely when I can say "babbling."

Yes, she is even hotter than usual as The White Witch.

Oh by all means dress it up. A cherry pepper or two wouldn't be out of place either.

I wasn't talking about decent, God-fearing Marylanders who know the difference between a half-smoke and a hole in the ground. I was talking about crabby witches who feel the need to flaunt their "taste" when all they really want is a lump of fried dough.

That is unbelievably bad customer service. It was obvious you wanted your food cooked more. You made that clear in an unobtrusive and polite way; it is not the restaurant's business to dictate your taste. (From what you described it sounds like they either pre-boiled then nuked the noodles or cooked them for service