Lothar Von Richthofen

He's the bitchy middle school Spanish teacher vote. It's all just horrible.

Stupid plebs who work for the AVC, that's who.

Stop trying to "Other" yourself Gamblors Neon Claws.

Are you trying to say that it isn't o.k. to kill people based on the fear of ghosts?

You're just a stupid baby.

And I thought that it was broken homes, failed dreams and substance abuse that led people to the AV Club. Little did I know about the black dog of vacuum ports! That was an unknown unknown.

You got $71.00 per diem in the Year 2000 for subbing? And you people complain.

This was a nice read. Good interview of a guy who seems genuinely nice and interesting.

No, he's abdicating. Like Edward VIII it's an abdication for love.

Can I watch from the closet while I simultaneously masturbate and talk to my Mom on the phone?

Have you tried waiting outside her house with binoculars to prove your love?

Would you watch it on Amtrak?
Or on the Greyhound?
Or in a church van filled with screaming kids?
Or if you were on the crew of a massive container ship that had been at sea for a month already and was waiting to clear customs before they passed through the Panama Canal?

Why allow experience or knowledge to get in the way of hating something?

Plus those socialists take more than 70% income tax. It's much better to get a deluxe dacha in Russia.

Bill Burr is by far the best standup working today, but only because Patrice O'Neal is dead. I would trade all of Burr's catalog for one more hour of Black Philip.

I enjoyed "War Paint" and was looking forward to her new special. Pity that it got such a low grade here.

Try talking to yourself about yourself in the third person. You'll be amazed by how much you can distance yourself from yourself psychologically.

Huh. You seem like exactly the type of guy to be into unconscious ball-deflation.

Well there are dozens of adult babies around here looking for a happy homeā€¦
