Lothar Von Richthofen

How do you know that the evidence of one purported victim would not create a standard for the entire class?

When you weigh in about whether a man is innocent or guilty of a crime you have already left the realm of the subjective.

Who is?

"gain nothing from" —- all first year law students learn to go after deep pockets.

"What is with some people's insistence on applying legalese to everyday interactions?"—Some people, unfortunately, are lawyers.

I should view the charges against Cosby in the light of the Iraq war? Bugger me, that's outrageous. You surely could not have meant that.

It does. My moronic insistence on taking the written word seriously really makes me autistic.

I think you mean, "If enough people repeat the same thing to me eventually I will believe it."

I'm afraid that you don't know how rape cases work. With no physical evidence (a rape kit that contains matched DNA) and no timely police report it is very hard to prove rape unless the prosecution can definitely place the defendant at the scene of the crime. With a decades old accusation (pre-cellphone tracking etc.)

Is your eye-patch the result of an errant cumshot?

What are you on about?

O.K. I get what you're saying.
But believing a thing to be true just because a bunch of people are saying it is a bit mental, right?
Everyone here has the same evidence—he said, she said.
It strikes me as presumptuous to start defaming a man in such a profound way at this point.

Do you want to go to 55%?

The tone of this article is frivolous, malicious and downright stupid. As soon as the mud starts to fly the A.V. Club publishes snarky trash about the accused? No wonder none of you work for actual news organizations.

Upvoted for painful honesty.

Awwww, crumbs. I've got nothing for you there except that I really value gay guys as friends because they tend to be smarter and you don't have to be macho and front around them.
Maybe try to make friends and see where that takes you?
That probably sounds really stupid and naive, but what do you have to lose? I think

Just make his day (and yours) by asking the guy out. He cannot read your mind and is probably just as nervous about the tea-swilling, change-chucking girl as you are about him.

I assume you are a billionaire that funnels money into whatever PACs are currently holding your interest then.
No? Well then simply throw off the horrid civic duty that gives you the only power you have over political /cultural happenings in your society. What were all those ladies complaining about in the

(2). Ghomeshi hasn't been convicted of anything. Refrain from chattering about the man/dragging his name through the dirt until he's been tried in a court of law.

"Finding The Courage To Reveal A Fetish"