A high tide raises all boats.
A high tide raises all boats.
Why is it that I never get shot?
I work hard in the bizzzzzz too.
I also borrowed a camcorder that I never returned. (From a girlfriend)
This dude looks anorexic. He's got enough acting chops to not do this self-harm.
You're clearly around my vintage.
Clearly too much. With a never ending supply of girls who need lip gloss and movie ticket money, why bother investing in infrastructure?
How do you know my Mom's maiden name?
I think it's a love-hate thing with El-P. I remember listening to Fantastic Damage with a buddy who said the beats sounded "like a New York City street." Not in a good way. Funnily enough, that's exactly what I always loved about them.
What is all of our technological innovation worth if young ladies are still untwisting wire coat-hangers by hand?
Seriously, if that isn't a job for a machine than what is?
Watch the 1978 version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" with Donald Sutherland and you will NOT be disappointed. Watch it all the way through, right to the end.
I have Sammy Sosa's and Mark McGwire's autograph balls somewhere in storage. They are next to worthless at this point, I assume (make me some offers!) I've also got an unimpressive Ken Griffey Jr ball hanging about. Jeter, Ichiro and Clemens too.
Listening to Sgt. Pepper rather than Revolver.
The regular brunette chick is a thousand times hotter than Kardashian.
In all honesty, I could not read all of this article.
My only question is this; is there anyone else out there with autistic children/siblings that have a huge obsession with Halloween (or other Holidays)?
As my little bro ages his fixation seems to get more solidified and more serious—the decorations get more…
That Chris Pratt is a beautiful boy.
Why not get an unlocked phone and swap out SIM cards as you go? I've been doing this for years due to my almost constant travel, and don't remember paying more than $50 U.S. per month total.
Aside from that, it's kind of sorry that Ting is a revolutionary approach to cell service in the U.S. When I lived in the U.K. I…
That's the funny thing about the whole godawful mess. There was a point where Hitler could have gotten away with the whole horrible campaign if he hadn't provoked the US to war (through his allies.) In plain terms, the U.S. just didn't care about the U.K.'s kvetching about Hitler's enormities on the Continent. The…
It means that I find both articles intensely geeky, but in a good way.
So sorry for a goofy throwaway comment on the Internet. I'm sure you've never been guilty of that.
To go from a discussion of the Roosevelts on PBS directly to Aphex Twin is almost orgasmic. This site really is white person Heaven, isn't it?