Lothar Von Richthofen

I suggested that it was clearly slanted leftwards in my response to YNW. As you say, it is almost impossible to have a discussion regarding a modern president without essentially picking political sides. My reason for praising this documentary is that it is unmistakably push back against the mud-slinging that FDR's

I know where you are coming from, and it's distressing. My only point was that it helps when (modern) history approaches the objective, and unfortunately that only happens between the push and pull of political ideology.

This show is very good. Recommended watching for just about anyone. It really highlights the difference between public-minded politicians and those in thrall to the political system. The neo-con narrative of Roosevelt ushering in the modern welfare state through his response to the Great Depression will perhaps be

I've always liked this lady. Not sure why people view her so harshly. I find her attractive and engaging on many levels.

I really hope this is sarcasm. The rushing quarterback has always been a gimmick predicated on a trick play. That's why Peyton is successful and Vick is an also-ran.

They're all scared to get hit now because maybe it will beat The Great American Novel out of their skulls if they get hit too hard.

Kim Jong Un (and his forebears), Joseph Stalin, Vlad Putin, Adolph Hitler, Josef Mengele, Caligula, the list just goes on and on and on.There are characters who beg for oblivion with every crime they commit. Don't try to universalize your disgust at this particular matter into a rule for humanity. It just doesn't

Do any of us really need to know the ins and outs of it?

Don't let your understanding of his busy schedule in any way stop you from implying his guilt in your as-yet-unmentioned crime.

Why is this website using the foreshortened (nickname) version of their first names and no patromymic?
It comes off as ignorant and disrespectful.

Steer clear of Roth until you've read I.B. Singer, Bellow and Malamud. Roth was their ne'er do well, perverted child.

Germans enjoy and revel in body hair in a way that the English will never understand.

What you have imagined here is more filthy than anything ever recorded by man.
How do you REALLY feel about pornographic material?

Scott, you go get me a warm biscuit with peach just like I like it or I SWEAR I will kill myself tout de suite!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my God dude that's Wicked Retahhhded!

It's true that it takes a certain poetic genius to constantly rephrase the following statements:

Code for "you people"?

I remember watching "Clerks" with my Mom. She fucking died at the "36 dicks???!!!" line. Good memory.

This is a bit outside of the parameters, but I still have to mention it.
I went to "Pearl Harbor" with my grandmother who walked out about 30 mins. into it. It was a thoughtless and stupid thing to do, but I was pretty young and didn't really get it.
She was crying in her Cadillac when I got out. I should have known

My Mom really hated any and all NYC rap that had anything to do with violence because me and all my siblings lived there on and off for a long time. It made her worry that we would be killed.
She also hated Refused and ALL metal because, "those boys are angry but are not dealing with it properly."
On the plus side she