Swanson inadvertently pegs Herzog with a BB to the pubis and neither acknowledge the pain nor the awkwardness.
Swanson inadvertently pegs Herzog with a BB to the pubis and neither acknowledge the pain nor the awkwardness.
Why don't you just drain Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, stay in your job forever, mortgage your house to the hilt and give nary a thought to passing any sort of inheritance to future generations? That should show them what pieces of shit they truly are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
O.K. I hear you. I don't watch the sport either, but that is due to lack of interest in spectating generally. I do however object to the lazy moralism about the game that has become so popular of late. It seems like a feel-good bandwagon predicated on a lie. NFL players didn't know about the inherent risks of playing…
Good Lord! It's almost like you are taking it personally but something tells me you never lined up for a down in your entire life!
Sorry for your loss. Agent Orange killed my father and three of my uncles (Catholic family). The only man in my family to survive the conflict flew B-52's. Good luck to you.
Yeah, I just wonder how the same scathing reviewers would have felt about the Harvard-Yale game fifty or one hundred years ago. You know, when the game was East Coast Establishment chic.
Football is really dumb! Watching a guy speak memorized words not his own and faking emotion while doing it is cool and intellectual! Listening to bands play the same 4-5 chords that every kid who has ever tooled around with a guitar knows is a moving experience! Expounding upon paintings that someone else painted…
This movie seems so fucking edgy I can't even stand it!
Oh, Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
If I were Dan Brown I'd say, "obviously."
I think you'll find the reasons QUITE peculiar.
On that note I'm going to need any and all portrayals of Christ as a King or a warrior prince removed from public sight at once. They promote violence, outdated attitudes towards women, and in the case of the Middle Age Germanic warrior princes, excessive alcohol use/permissive sexual behavior. (*I don't really want…
"Let's Go Get Stoned" by Ray Charles is the clear winner here.
I must say that although the discussion of his mother's intrusiveness was a bit precious, I'm glad that this wasn't just another rant about how everyone who liked the song was a jack-off who didn't understand him when he was a teen and that he hopes is dead or very miserable now.
Rabbi Hillel's exposition on how to properly hide one's porn still fascinates me to this day!
Yeah you tie that fucker up and drill it for all you're worth til the guys watching back at home are satisfied (that you've taken enough mineral samples.)
That cookie video was the weirdest porno I've ever seen.
Ooooo Donna is a little tartt, isn't she?
Late-to-the-party hippyish guy who sees "connections" everywhere quietly retires as a gimmick.