
GOP Senators on Judiciary Committee: Looks legit to me. 

And who the fuck had a calendar in High School, let alone kept it for the last 36 years?!? 

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a

Feinstein deserves praise for her service to the nation. she was the one to find Milk dead and her rise to the Senate is a great and empowering story.

dusty shitbiscuit

LOLforever at this dusty shitbiscuit.

Woohoo! I'm a virgin!! 

I already drink all the Busch beer I want, which is zero Busch beers per year. 

Threats of impeachment make strange allies. 

Go back to sleep, White Sox fan.  It’s been a long season on the South Side.  But enjoy those $5 tickets on Sundays if you, indeed, go to The Rate anyway. 

Amazing moment...but I’m a psycho, and I constantly scream at the TV when the Cubs are on.  Mostly “SHUT THE F UP LEN!!!”

thank god we’re being protected from these old, sick, and dastardly criminals.

Just get a Honda Element. And if you so wish, maybe swap a S2000 motor in it.

Michelle say BE BETTER, I say, “BE BEST!”

For Chicagoans, Silent Saturday at the Music Box is a gem. Silent movies accompanied by live organ.

And R2D2 just stood there doing NOTHING

The XRS didn’t have AWD as an option. AWD was automatic only with the standard 1ZZ 1.8L.

A bicycle.

Get a dashcam. Because that woman is obviously a scammer. /s

Vallejo is great, definitely my favorite of Half Acre’s regular beers. The only thing I don’t like about it is that it isn’t available year round.