
Those OEM rims are probably the best that any gen Celica ever had. My 5th gen had those awful rounded ones. Price is crackpipe for sure, I couldn’t get 3K for my 90 GTS if I tried.

I’ll have to check out Dovetail, honestly there are so many breweries in Chicago that its hard to go to all of them. Not complaining lol... I was at a brewery tour at 2 Brothers and saw a lonely small kettle and 5 gallon carboy, I had to ask and they said that sometimes they like to prototype certain beers with home

Those front discs are larger than the rims on my first Datsun.

Nevada car with no AC

I wonder if insurance companies take in consideration things like that, dunno.

lol most the upgrades cost more than the motor.

I almost feel like this could be something my wife would do, she’d just turn up the radio so the problem would go away.

Yeah those mk4 rims are purely meh but I really like the mk3 rims you can barely see on that black Supra. 

I was the opposite, I enjoyed it. They touched on this in the last movie on how he lost his family, best friend, his home, half of his people. He became an alcoholic and a recluse. It was either him watching Home Shopping Network or playing video games its more believable that he played video games with his buds. They

He deserved what he got, lots of people do not watch trailers, interviews etc. they go out of their way to avoid any spoilers. 

I’d bet the 3 would have better performance numbers but in the long term you want a Toyota vs a Mazda if you want reliability and resale value.

So wait somebody stopped him from committing the crime so there is no crime.  Isn’t that the new standard according to DC?

It truly is a shame that Republicans have been compromised in this manner. I have friends that are Reps and hardly hear a peep out of them regarding politics lately I’m sure they’re all embarrassed as to the actions of their party in its current state. I was overjoyed to hear that Weld was going to challenge Trump for

I’d see that as an issue as well, tossing music gear in the back of a car and having a 2 inch hump would be really annoying.

I’m not picky I’d settle for that Celica GT Four.

I brewed a beer for my band, it was a malty IPA with Citra, Falconers Flight and Amarillo hops it was good and well liked by bassist and I lol.

Lol Lars would not approve

Not a fan of that hood the stock hood looks much better, actually just put those rims / tires on a black stock model.

Kudos for the Pantera nod.  The other car I’d go with is a Lancia 037.

You mean like a Subaru Boxer engine?