As a parent, I can’t get behind the idea of my kid picking up and leaving at 15 without telling anyone. I’d be devastated if I had no idea where he was.
As a parent, I can’t get behind the idea of my kid picking up and leaving at 15 without telling anyone. I’d be devastated if I had no idea where he was.
I just hope 8 months of HYPE doesn’t lead to people sitting at home in November thinking all is fixed, and they don’t need to vote because everyone else is, or that the problem children like Ryan are gone. It would be our MO as Americans and Democrats
Idk, I have to commute in my cars 10-15 hours a week. I’m certainly not interested in spartan interiors on a daily driver. My weekend wrangler is spartan, but it is only a weekend toy. I guess I am not the demographic they are looking for
Walker should be more concerned about his approval ratings. Wisconsin State Journal puts him in the bottom 10 governors in the nation, along with Rauner in IL and Synder in MI.
I went into a tiny convenience store in the middle of nowhere, Alabama a while back and the owner had built a separate cold room at the back, refrigerated to 33 degrees with a motion sensor that turned on the lights as you walked in. The guy was so proud of it, and I had to tip my cap because clearly here was a man…
These things must be a nightmare to maintain without a supply of easily sourced replacement parts. How do they even keep them running?
And then into my mouth
Both are better poured into a pint glass.
Geo Storm too
Personally, I’m tired of all the winning.
once Trump is out in ‘20.
Have you been to this family of sites lately? If you scanned down the first 10 pieces of any of them you would find like 3 sponsored stories, 3 for Amazon’s daily deals, and 4 for actual stories. That doesn’t even account for the 5 to 7 ads between those 10 pieces. These sites are ad revenue whores for their new pimp.
What’s stupid is that car makers are fully capable of meeting the efficiency standards. Engines have become vastly more efficient over the decades. But instead of that translating to gains in mpg, it translates to gains in horsepower while mpg remains stagnant. Instead of stuffing another 100hp into a Ford family…
It’s OK. We’ll lower the standard and have an even harder time selling cars overseas. Then we’ll impose a tariff, not really understanding that many “foreign” cars are made here and many “domestic” cars are made across a border.
This post had 10 Porsche ads in it. Seriously. 10! Come on.
The Short Attention Span Generation
All blogs should have no more than 200 words.
Not sure about your 5 year rule, but if it’s working for you, all the power..
I had a 2009 speed3 and it was the fastest lemon the shop all the time, poor build quality. Dumped it on Carmax w a rebuilt ac and bent rods.. Because of that car I’ll never buy a Mazda again.
You could have just titled this “Tyrese Gibson quits Fast and Furious franchise”