
It’s been a while, but for that comment, you get a special GIF

“$225k in the rest of the country. Comfortable, but not rich.”

Politico reporter Josh Dawsey tweeted a similar sentiment: “Sarah Sanders parries, spins and obfuscates, too. But she’s not condescending and seems comfortable at the podium doing it.”

As a guy who wasn’t watched Bears football in two years, letting go is surprisingly easy and fulfilling. I was a pretty big fan earlier in life too. But my mix of distaste for the league and an expanded knowledge of what football does to a human body has facilitated the process.

As a Michigander, that judge can, kindly, go take a hike.

There is no good reason for abortion... except for mine.

I hear that. But he’s surrounded himself with people I would call evil (esp Bannon) and is letting them lead him down the evil path.

I don’t think he’s evil, I honestly think he’s just kind of dumb. A vast swath of people praised all of his idiotic rambling so he just keeps at it, upping the ante every time until eventually he says shit that he never thought he would, just to feel like people care about him. Honestly I am starting to pity him more

So, you are potentially going to deny yourself some seriously awesome vehicles (Porsche/Audi, and I love my Golf-R) because some jabroni on the internet tried to get cute-sy with VAG by stripping his car down the before drop off for some LOLZ and internet fame? Really? If so, your face never really liked your nose

Appropriate screen name is appropriate. Hate to sound like I’m taking VW’s side in this but man do I not feel the least little bit bad for them telling this dude to fuck right off.

Like you could afford a new Porsche.

Anyone catch the guy in the Brozerre (man bra) at around the 1:20 mark?

Deion Sanders was an absolute motherfucker in Super Tecmo Bowl.

Doesn’t matter. The owners don’t know how to hire people or run the organization. Won’t see sustained success unless the mccaskeys sell the team

Thank fucking god.

The trailer is an eyesore. You can’t use the argument of “it’s my property, I’ll do whatever the fuck I want” argument. That is why our country is at odds with each other. Yes, you have the right, but as a decent human being, you should not be a dick. Work with your neighbors. They paid good money for the house, just

Probably because he absolutely knows it’s best for the country, including all those that voted for him. And he’s a decent person.
