You forgot the Zeroth Amendment: “Eh, fuck it, close enough.”
You forgot the Zeroth Amendment: “Eh, fuck it, close enough.”
I think this is a lot of talk for a game that’s still worth maybe $19.99 plus tax.
u can’t han
I am inconsolable on both levels
Yeah but on the plus side we’re all going to die so how bad can it really be
That’s transparently a semantic, move-the-goalposts, cop-out of a bet because you specifically name Kim and you specifically say lead and you specifically name yourself even though this was initially about all of the Kardashians/Jenners (Chyna too dont @ me) and all of the coverage from all the Jez staff. But hell, I’l…
Personally I like when Jez pretends they’re sick of things they continue to cover ad infinitum
holy shit lol
Gotta love the “getting into” qualifier here on something that’s been a mainstream joke about rich people for more than 60 years.
It’s weird because he treats Khloe the exact same way.
Yep, it’s official. Reddit is as bad as Kinja.
This is in all reality a fucking skewering of the lackadaisical production values in CoD.
Wow. Maybe if the concept of “children” existed in a complete vacuum, then just maybe you would be right. You probably still wouldn’t be right, but maybe.
I find it hard to get upset about any of this when anybody who’s self-worth exceeds that of a yukon gold potato would easily sidestep any and all of these problems in a number of very simple ways.
One of my fav things is when people pretend to be shocked that every thing is also a sex thing on the internet.
Oh, go post it on your furry tumblr
kill me
tfw you realize all bigfoot porn is size queen porn
I’m gonna go out on this sequoia-sized limb you seem to have built your personal narrative around and venture to say that Kim Kardashian did not, in any way at all, make your five year old cry. I’d even go further and say that no Kardashian made your five year old cry. I would even dare to make another bold step and…