You gotta give it to Offset, that’s a pretty good way to get out of raising a baby you didn’t actually want.
You gotta give it to Offset, that’s a pretty good way to get out of raising a baby you didn’t actually want.
I am incredibly confused as to:
Hi, yeah, it’s always BEEN a farce. You don’t get points for catching up.
Calm down
strange mix of tower defense, combat racing, and post-apocalyptic talking-animal drama.
Yeah bud, I don’t know that you should look to 50 Cent - a guy who started selling drugs at 12, earned his GED in a prison boot camp at 19, and got shot 9 times like 5 years later - as a beacon of enlightenment.
Thanks for weighing in, r/incel
Baby dick.
I’m starting to love how ugly that car plainly is. Toyota is utterly ashamed of it, and it’s great.
I like these Deadspin/The Root crossover articles.
oh god dammit
I’m pretty sure if he takes it out it’s cultural appropriation
Tyga is the real daddy
What surprises me most is that you somehow survived The Great Severance Packaging of 2018. Do hate-reads really drive that many clicks?
the average is a little over 5 inches when erect. 5.2 inches, to be exact.
Or, maybe it’s a dumb idea to wet yourself on the internet when you get trolled.
As opposed to Kim, who wears that hairstyle fully KNOWING that she will be ridiculed no matter where she goes. Directly comparable? No. But cultural appropriation is also non-Germans wearing Adidas, so
It IS fine that she wore cornrows. It is objectively fine.
The funniest part about all this is how we all know that Offset is still BLASTING inside other women at every opportunity. Mama!