
This is actually a really good plan that would not at all work out in the way you’re expecting, because that shit would SELL.

That’s just sexual preference, as interest in partner satisfaction obviously varies from person to person. I’ve had partners where I couldn’t give an actual fuck about their pleasure, and others where I care about it more than my own. 


Didn’t that happen at least two times just last season?

On the other hand, when you sign A$AP Rocky, you better be ready to spend out.

Based on that wrist hair I can tell you it isn’t a woman sharpening that axe. 

User name checks out


The only correct answer is Arcanine. 

Oh, because the technology is not ready for racing. That’s why it overheats under full power. 

amember when she was married to Sean Penn’s teensy facial features


Just make sure that none of the cheese you buy comes from Wisconsin, as this state is a fucking garbage hellhole that should be set adrift. The UP can take the Packers.

Corn subsidies maybe. 

Lowkey though rabbits are not actual companion animals. That’s just a lie assholes say to inconvenience others. 

It’s only not meat in that photo because it hasn’t yet been killed, plucked, gutted, and prepared in any number of delicious ways. It’s pre-meat, as chickens serve no purpose outside of being livestock. Chickens are disgusting filth and frankly, food is too good a fate for them.

No, he’s just padding the middle of the road for his inevitable severance package. It’s a smart move!

It’s possible but it isn’t reasonable.

Thanks for the link! I LOVE Davies backing down from her own outrage in that quote. I do wish there was a full list of cuts, as nobody listed on that page seems like a heavy-hitter.

TFW you didn’t know this was a fetish.