
If you’re right, and this scale is purely subjective, then the scale itself has no purpose. Any measurement system has to have an objective value, otherwise it’s just a ranked opinion. We can sit around and pretend that “mental health” is completely subjective all we want, but it isn’t. There are very specific medical

Grab some bootstraps and pull yourself up by them, my lad. There are years left to go. Years. And another decade-plus of dealing with the fallout.

Yeah it’s not like it’s huge car-related news or anything. I demand you curate Jalopnik based on what this guy thinks is worth talking about!

Suuuuuuuure he will. Uh huh. It’s very interesting to watch somebody who lacks even a basic knowledge of trade threaten actual politicians with trade wars. I mean, Trump just has no clue! I like to laugh about it, but it’s probably bad. I mean, it’ll eventually end up hurting the US, possibly permanently. Still, I’ll

Plus, the majority of GW is client-side, so it can run longer than other games like it. That said, I’ve always wanted to go back to my old GW days. I even OWN GW2, but I’ve never played it for more than 20 mins.

The internet is the best thing.

But assessing mental-health distress doesn’t have a simple 1-10 scale, because mental health isn’t as straightforward as physical pain. But nonetheless,

I know I just heard about John Goodman doing something you have to be alive for yesterday, but I still thought he was dead today

Nothing kids like more than the handling and precision balance of a mid-engine layout

Nah it’s fine because the car has autopilot.

I...uh...Roseanne is funny?


I feel like I saw this on a TV show before but the show isn’t on anymore.

Coutnerpoint: If you need this article, you will never suck less at Fork knight

This kinja has aged well. Also, why is this in the shortcuts in May of 2018

Me: Man, why do I keep getting blocked on Kotaku?

Just imagine the smell.

