
is that a world cup trophy in your speedo or are you just happy to see me?

I haven't seen this much crying because of Germans since 1939.

My brother was with GM for nearly 20 years. He started out as an engineer, completed a bunch of additional degrees, and then was transferred into GM proper. They had him on supply chain stuff and flying back and forth to China. GM would quietly set the Chinese companies up with all the equipment they needed to make

Awesome! I've always been curious about that "Cake" button on my Zojirushi.

I was on a high-speed ferry going from Seattle to Victoria. The captain made an announcement that the verdict would be coming up and tuned the TVs in the main seating area to the news station. Just as the verdict was ready to be announced *zzzzt* we lost the signal. The whole boat let out a collective groan — which

Exactly. Enter all your account information and trust us...

If rape was predominantly a male-on-male crime, it would have the death penalty.

At this Utah high school, the "dress code" also extended to tattoos. When they covered up her breastbone, and they also shopped out her tattoo.

Wait, I thought we were naming after surfing spots... Does the NPS get a royalty (of free)?

Here's what life with a hedgehog is actually like: 1) they sleep all day and run all night on their wheel 2) they need to be fed live mealy worms, which stink, or crickets, which can escape into your house 3) if they're not bathed regularly they smell 4) they need to come from a licensed breeder, and even then, can

Diana favored dresses with trim or beads for this reason. (If you've ever seen some of her dresses in person, a few of them look bullet-proof.) Others in the public eye use hem weights or trim with weights seen into them. Or, when all else fails, a spanks-type undergarment will do the trick, too. Easy fixes. I

Diana was famously tricked into standing in a bright light while wearing a sheer white skirt. Kate was snapped topless on vacation in France by a pap with a super-long lens. Both were out of bounds.

Claire Underwood is so far superior than Elizabeth Urquart (in the original BBC version) — who was there only to serve the drinks, answer the phone, and act as the devil on the shoulder of Francis, cheering on the mayhem from her perch.

Nice to know that $950 sweaters can be ruined by hangars, too.

This gives those of us who carry a purse a bad name.

(Note: My own overly-sensitive side speaking here.) A quick note about Herpes I and II. Similar to Diabetes I and II, the two types of the disease are very different — and both are serious diseases for which everyone should be tested.

Good point. Already done here. Waiting for the class-action suit against fluorescent lightbulb makers — in my experience they burn out just as quickly as incandescent and pollute more. Have been slowly upgrading to LEDs, not because of cost but because they're getting better and brighter with each year.

Duplex Printing: Cut your paper costs in half immediately. If your printer has it, use it. If not, see if you can add a duplexer unit to your model.
