just change the tunnel name to TRUMP and watch the government funding flow in…
just change the tunnel name to TRUMP and watch the government funding flow in…
trump issued a political-charged tweet about crumbling infrastructure—not even knowing (or caring to know) that the tracks are privately-owned and amtrak leases time on them.
Woah there, one century at at time, please…
i wonder if it has something to do with import taxes.
W7.5 EEE here—be thankful you don’t wear women’ shoes (or, maybe you do, I don’t judge). My savior the past few years was a company called GoLite which, unfortunately, went out of business with rumors of a restart coming. Merrill and Børn are a close second.
Lots of space = JBL Creature Speakers
Lots of space = JBL Creature Speakers
I wonder if it took him 13 years to design that workspace (it took him that long to release a revised version of GTD).
Gawd, I hate De Blasio. This plaza was only just completes about a year ago and cost the city $55 million. His solution for not being an effective leader is to piss all that money and effort away. I don’t have a personal problem with the women, but there are so many ways to handle this instead of turning NYC back to…
They also banned all cell phones from the ceremony. Only one official photographer.
Howard Stern talked all about the wedding last week. He kept referring to it as a ‘mini dress.’ That’s all I need to know. In fact, too much.
Chris Rock always said that he hated that sketch purely because, in the end, Swazye wins the contest. So after all that Farley put into that performance, the take away was, ‘yeah, we get it but you’re gross.’ When I first heard Rock talk about this to Howard Stern, I though he was overreacting. After all, it was just…
I bet all those fake profiles are shaking in their stilettos... http://www.newser.com/story/184242/e…
So Canadian not to have damaged any other cars while flying over them.
I wish any ‘reality’ show that relies on children as an important part of the cast would just go away already. The children don’t have a say in whether or not they participate and the parents are obviously blinded by profit and self-aggrandizing fame. It’s bad enough just figuring out adolescence, even harder growing…
Duggar’s ‘We Are From Arkansas, No?’ is starting to sound more like a legal defense and less like a joke each day.
Considering the case is before the court, I don’t know how wise that was. Conservatives are already calling for her and Kagan to recuse themselves from the ruling because they officiated at same-sex weddings. This issue doesn’t need any more gasoline on it — or any more ammunition for the talking heads. http://www.gopu…
As a genealogist, and with an SO who is an adoptee born and raised in MO, I can add that Missouri is a notoriously hard state to get any adoption records. They have a closed records system and an adoptee must get the permission of the birth parents BEFORE they can see the birth records. Yes, you read that right, you…