
Gawd, those bumper tho....

How useful (useless) is the rear hatch? Can you show pics of it opened up? Can you fit a set of golf clubs in the back?

Do you even Fast and Furious bro???!??

A few years ago, didn’t the giants have a little patch on their jersey sleeve denoting their status as champs, which was worn throughout the season?

Nah dude, just pointing out the hipocracy where I see it. The dude is voluntarily taking a cross-country road trip in a shoddily thrown together (by his own admission and documentation) vehicle.

No wipers on a 2000 mile road trip, eh? Sounds real fucking safe, pal.

I bet something will come up. If this car is a 3x national show winner, chances are the owner is well known (and liked) in the classic Vette community. The thief will basically be trying to offload the stolen parts to those very people within that community. Word will get around, it’s not like this asshole stole and

“ The Supreme Court has declared that unilateral secession is forbidden. The only way a state gets to leave is if everybody else says they can. No way anybody is giving up California’s tax dollars, or visa-free trips to Disneyland.”

With their helmets on.

True, but a lot of those games were by like 3 points. Doesn’t matter anyhow, they are hot at the right time.

West regional is weak. Also, I get why they put 3 big 12 teams in the midwest regional, but damn, spread it out some?!

Completely accurate assessment. This has been a long time coming for Busch.

So for the brake line sabotage thing: fully cutting the lines isn’t really by ideal because of the exact reason you suggested, the driver would leave their driveway, tap the brakes and sploosh all the fluid would shoot out. The more ideal method would be tiny holes in the lines that would slowly deplete the system

How dare you call him a cotton plantation come to life and then not use his honest to God full fucking name....Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III. It’s like leaving the punchline off of a joke.

You forgot Mr. “I always wanted one of these” when some vet gave him his Purple Heart on the campaign trail. Wonder if that guy regrets handing it off to that draft-dodging cheeto yet???

“The GOP - and Fox News- has been scaring middle America whites for years now.”

What the hell .... I just lost an hour in a Brian Ropar YouTube rabbit hole. Is this dude for real???

Pictured: Steve Bannon’s all time favorites

Pictured: Steve Bannon’s all time favorites

Your logic in this take on this is interesting to me, and I mean that without any sarcasm whatsoever.

I once took an Amtrak trip from Denver to Osceola, Iowa with a friend of mine about 15 years ago, just after New Year’s. It was supposed to be something like a 12 or 13 hour overnight trip. We boarded, took our seats and settled in for the night, with the idea that we would be back in Iowa early in the morning. I