I would pay PPV money to watch white personally go take the belt from jones.
I would pay PPV money to watch white personally go take the belt from jones.
Mojave desert. Outside of Baker, California. July, 112 degrees.
You’re right, I guess I don’t understand. Just trying to suss out where this line is. This is Rap and waffles, not Rachael Dolezal wearing kente print.
Leave waffles out of this. I will fight you.
I guess where I get lost on this issue is if you are raised with/around a particular “ethnic construct” (such as hip hop), where do you draw the line when it comes to appropriation? For example, I am a 35 year old white male and hip hop has been on the radio/tv and a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I…
I get the whole appropriation thought to it, but I see it as this: could you even imagine a hip hop themed restaurant opening in Iowa 10-15 years ago? Saying this as a wdm resident.
I see what you are saying here. This is appropriation and their promotion is cheesy, tacky, but racist????
Nailed it...this is the snarky, catty, hypocritical side of this site I can’t fucking stand sometimes....but HEY they got my click, Amirite???
Goddamn, I thought I was the only person on the planet who watched that show. It would be interesting to go back and see how it’s held up...
Fuck me...You’ve basically summed up my life from ‘02-’05.
Leave the bears out of this, I will fight you.
The synchronization at 2:18 has me dying
What is that grey wagon???? I need to know, its making me sweat...
You take it back! Xb and cube were just fine!
Still looks better than the marshawn lynch biopic.
How about the entire NL east is a large grievous catastrophe?
“No, but you see, I’m a GOOD guy with a gun so that makes it totally okay and that rule doesn’t apply”
Reminds me of a guy I knew in my early/mid 20's....This dude could talk for hours about cars, modifications, specs, could even identify most cars’ engines by sound alone.
Yep! There it is!!! shut it down folks, we have the winner.