pinniesandpearls got a real job

The only interviewer I really saw make his/her point with Conway was Seth Meyers, and that was on a comedy show. Chuck Todd did say “alternative facts are falsehoods.” We’ll probably never see her talk to Todd again. What other journalist or on-air anchor ever called her out in person? I think Maddow and O’Donnell on

This is the cover of the latest Der Spiegel. OMFG

This was the problem the entire campaign. No one would call Trump on his bs in real time. They would interview him and he would spew bs. They would air and re-air the interview and pick his words apart but by that time the damage was done. His bs was out there and everyone believed it. No one ever told him he was

If the NCAA doesn’t give Baylor the Death Penalty after this, then they can never again consider themselves an institution with any morals or ethics.

Politics in Hawaii isn’t quite the same animal as on the mainland. Hawaii has a very strong identity and values that are very different, and that temper some of the worst influences of the GOP. Like for instance you can’t really get any where if you don’t embody the spirit of aloha (in very brief, it’s being

The day Trump won I burst in to tears. It wasn’t that “my side” lost. It was that my children did. A country set on a course of everything wrong, against what this country was founded on.

I used to be a Republican. I had a narrow view of life and was young, only listening to what my parents had taught me. I grew up and learned.

I get what you’re saying, but I think any Republican who has ignored the trajectory of the party and pretended that it was going to reverse/get better/not be so shitty is just as culpable.

“the face of Republicanism as it should be, but it won’t be any more.”

You fall into that old classic in which you assume the state of Israel is synonymous with being Jewish. You guys are the same people who conflate any criticism of the state of Israel with anti-semitism. You’re wrong during those arguments and you’re wrong in your reply. There are plenty of people of Jewish heritage

No it hasn’t. That’s what white supremacists and their allies and enablers have said to counter every accusation of racism for at least 20 years now. Conservatives claim that the term “racist” has no meaning anymore, then they prove it themselves by ignoring racism.

I work within a 5 minute walk from the Oklahoma City Bombing memorial.

I encourage everyone to read up on Timothy McVeigh’s political ideology.

He was a white nationalist, isolationist, 2nd amendment enthusiast, distrustful of big government. He and Michael Fortier drew up the diagrams of how they would blow up the OKC

If Brady had an “I’m With Her” hat in his locker, would we be talking about this to the degree we are with the Trump hat?

True enough. WW2 was the closest thing we’ve had in modern day to a ‘just war’ and, unfortuantly, it’s burned into people’s imagination that all wars are like that.

Who the Republican candidate is is sort of the issue here, yeah? No one would be hounding him if he’d placed a Jeb! hat or Rubio paraphernalia in his locker.

Definitely. I think the other problem with the current conflicts is that they don’t lend themselves well to overarching narratives. (Nor does the Vietnam War, for that matter.) There’s no hard end for them, nor are there any definitive victories. WWII films are so prolific in part because of the culture surrounding

I mean, the term “privilege” gets thrown around a lot, but this is pretty clearly the Platonic ideal of privilege: “I haven’t paid attention to the people worried about having their life utterly destroyed by this administration because I’m going to be fine either way. I’m just going to stay positive.”

Fuck this guy. This quote alone is “fuck this guy” worthy.

I’d argue that war cinema is much more nuanced than that. The films tend to either glorify the conflicts or completely condemn them without much room in the middle, and which way they swing depends largely on which war is being depicted, as well as the current political climate. Apocalypse Now and All Quiet on the

YOu could also say that about police films, ie the Boston Marathon bombing movie with Mark Whalberg.