Fine, we disagree. I think the women’s game is just as skilled and fun to watch as the men’s game, if not more. The men’s game certainly has more blatant flopping around on the ground like a fish, I’ll give you that.
Fine, we disagree. I think the women’s game is just as skilled and fun to watch as the men’s game, if not more. The men’s game certainly has more blatant flopping around on the ground like a fish, I’ll give you that.
Well, they aren’t wrong.
That Godforsaken HUSSY!!!! I can see her ENTIRE UPPER ARM AREA in that blouse. How will the boys at the soda fountain contain themselves?!
Yes, this exactly. It goes directly from “We’ve got 90 days to design and build a car better than Ferrari!” to “Here it is, just arrived this morning!”.
“These days, banks are too smart to burn their money in a historically money-losing business venture”
I’m watching the show because, well I don’t know.. it’s not that bad I guess? I find it funny in bits and drabs.
Here in DelMarVa, spring arrived in mid-October and hasn’t left. Summer will probably be here some time in May. I’m considering a move up north to see snow again.
I want to say The Oculus from WoW during Wrath of the Lich King, even though it’s not a level per se. Grinding random heroic dungeons for Frost badges (way back when that was a thing) I know for a fact I did that one twice as often as any other.
It was almost 2o years ago but still to this day, my ex and I just refer to it as “poop steak”. I don’t think any more really needs to be said other than it was an attempt at beef wellington gone horribly wrong.
Well yes but.. The Aristocats had good songs
For me the flip side of all this has been how much fun it has been to make fun of a whole group of people that REALLY should have known better than appear in this disaster. Ranks up there in at least top 20 fun popular entertainment in the past year.
Personally I think any list has to start with Abbi & Ilana on Broad City
ehh, he’s just figured out a creative way to avoid work. Bob Rivers had to actually stay on the air for over 250 hrs. Still, I SALUTE YOU PIG MAN!!
“I can see no world in which the Republican Party in Maryland ... is going to run an avowed Trumpist”
Personally, I’ve been going with Cinnamon Fire Jolly Ranchers.
I’d say, to simplify it as much as warranted, that what makes it “normal” is that it is something all schoolkids think about and fear. When I was in school way back in the 80's, I wasn’t just afraid of WW3 starting at any moment, I was certain that it would. Statistically it turned out to be a 0% chance but that FEAR…
I wouldn’t say Larry has been typically portrayed as a white man, I’d say he was explicitly a white guy in the book. FWIW, I’m fine with the character being played by a black man. His race never felt particularly integral to the character aside from comments in the novel about him “sounding black” when he sang.
There’s at least one exception on the list. If you actually work in a sign shop ( as I did for 15 years) , it actually is signage. Same likely applies if you are ordering a lot of it for a project.
That picture y’all got up there at the top?