Ohh I member!
Ohh I member!
They have already begun to rewrite election history
Didn’t need to know about the particulars of pulling a greased rope out of a dog’s butt.
Sorry, looks like a Meijer. Seen this guy cruising Woodward this past summer.
Make sure to find some mountain runs if you’re able. I had a complete blast driving the twisties up and down the Palomar observatory.
The number of rental Stangs I’ve seen up/down Big Sur and PCH was impressive.
On a road trip, this one time, I successfully blamed it on the dog.
You better unionize then!
Irony being they themselves are likely on some form of government assistance.
That’s a Chik-Fil-A thing. You’ll also notice they are all (mostly) very white. This has been my experience in pretty much ever one I’ve been to on roadtrips through the Midwest and south.
Their fantasy involves desertion of duty and arming the people with military weapons against the government.
Gasoline evaporates. Let it air out or use a carpet shampoo... the non vacuum kind of course.
Mid/South Florida is alright.
My personal favorite
Yeah, he was turning with a yellow light.
Not nearly as often as asking him not to eat the lead paint chips from the wall.
So, seriously.
I wonder if Florida isn’t buying mustangs either