Here’s hoping he doesn’t get cul-de-sacked..
Here’s hoping he doesn’t get cul-de-sacked..
She’s the type of crazy that would look down at the cross and freak out that she sees it upside down.
Perhaps the smart ones swam in the opposite direction to spare us from their owner’s progeny?
Tooling and development costs have been paid off long ago. These last few years of production have just been gravy to the bottom line.
Except they make bank on the Grand Caravan and Nissan is well...Nissan.
Sources have a libtard bias
A hunting vehicle they wont hear coming?
It’s taxes anyway
The ship has sailed.
If you’d just spent millions in R&D on diesel technology and VW comes along and fucks it up, of course Dr. Z will be all sunshine and kittens about the issue.
Right but now you wont have the Syrian refugees stealing jobs because there’ll be less of them wanting to immigrate.
Felt pretty smug buying the dip too.
Track your intake. It’s the only way to know.
Weird? A lot of people have had this desire. Granted it was for other acts, on other body parts...
Thanks for this. I was expecting something like this in the article.
It’s a known carcinogen in the state of California?