
I saw nothing of the latter at all. I’ve never even read or heard him say one cross word about Black women, but Micheal-Key is a completely different story.

Can you actually cite any time she’s actually said the words you’re putting in her mouth? Like, link to an article, link to an interview. Otherwise this is just axe-grinding with no truth behind it.

She describes herself as biracial. She is therefore acknowledging that she is part Black. What is so difficult to understand about this? She doesn’t need the black community to claim her. She’s already acknowledged who she is, and I don’t see what makes us qualified to tell this woman that she’s not black. 

Yeah, that was what pissed me off. She identifies as mixed. Therefore, she does acknowledge that she’s part black. WTF.

But by stating that she’s biracial, she’s proclaiming loudly that she’s made up of something more than just white. In general, us white folks don’t hear someone saying they’re biracial and go “Oh, she means she’s white! She’s one of us!”. We hear biracial or multiracial or whatever word a person uses to signify that

Two things I noticed last week: It got downright ugly in an article about a young Meghan’s curly hair and how she should wear her hair in its natural in order to be a pro Black woman.

Regarding Meghan Markle, I think it was the “she’s not explicitly saying she’s black, therefore she’s against us” of some comments that had biracial folks kinda riled up. Can’t say as I blame anyone for not appreciating that.

“I’m sure Damon’s piece, while an opinion, annoyed some mixed people: Who is this nonmixed person to tell me who I am and how I have to identify? Why do others or society get to determine who I am and why don’t I get to define myself FOR myself? If Markle isn’t choosing one over the other, why does anybody ELSE get to

So fucking spot on. Yes and amen and golden stars and green clovers for this whole comment!

This whole comment is everything!

For all those that want to rip Jordan Peele for being married to a white female, he is the wokest brother on the planet. Thank you Jordan for not only articulating the black experience on film but doing something with your platform. As for Tiger? Well he stumped for Obama and has always been a controversial figure to

“As Tasha herself said, LAWRENCE was the one who acted like they were exiting the smash zone by telling her about his hookup with Issa”

Facts still hurt.

I don’t disagree with you. My comments were in response to a false narrative that all the fiscal burdens fell on Issa which is not true. There are millionaires that hold houses down but are emotionally unavailable so I agree with you.

No. Many folks are lumping all of the Tasha events together and calling him trash. I like to segregate them out:

Let’s review the facts:

Oh, I’m not blaming Chad for Lawrence’s behavior. You are right Lawrence is a grown ass man and should be able to figure things out. He seems to rely on others to make decisions for him. He’s not self motivated.

Yeah you’re right. But I can’t feel but that’s how the writers were supposed to make that moment feel. She called herself a hoe all season, and it’s only a problem when her ex does the same.

Lawrence needs to stop relying on Chad for advice. When Lawrence fucks up when he’s righting himself, he was usually guided in that direction by some man advice from Chad. What Lawrence needs to do is embrace his inner nerd, play some D&D, and get the confidence he needs to take charge of his life.

Lawrence is a roller coaster. Some episodes I want to root for him, sometimes I can’t stand him. Trash-ish is a good way of putting it.