
Dear White People,

Linda Cohn was suspended for criticizing ESPN, her employer, on a radio show. Jemele was not talking about ESPN or another employee of ESPN. That’s the fucking difference. That’s why Linda was suspended. Stop asking.

Well that’s what she deserves for writing a book called “Unstoppable.” Because bitch when? Everyone has been stopping you.

It’s pretty rare, that’s true. I’m convinced one of the reasons Taylor Swift keeps so quiet politically is because she remembers what happened to The Dixie Chicks after Natalie Maines spoke out against GWB and the war in Iraq. Went from one of the most popular groups in the world to dead career in about two weeks. I

If she gets fired over the next 4 years, I’m calling them on it.

“People who are offended by my racists comments are violating my free speech!”

To be fair, he isn’t really a white supremacist. Sure he does and says a lot of the same things that WS do, but

Maaaaaaaannn, angry white people don’t boycott anything.

Nope, it’s Wednesday.

I always laugh at this. White people really believe that because they haven’t been listening to us, we haven’t been listening to them. When the truth is we’ve been listening to them under threat of death now for 300 years and running.

That Joy Reid Tweet is on point. Even if you could somehow remove the other context (like, for example, that Jamele Hill was absolutely correct), this is the White House press secretary openly calling for a private organization to fire a journalist for criticizing the President. That is fucking bonkers.

They love to come in with their #wellactually. As if we don’t understand how the world works.

No. ESPN, you better not even think about it.

Dear White Grey’s

Probably the only “good” to come out of this is ESPN getting dragged for being dumb as hell.

Any chance you have a lawn I can get off of for you?

I also remember Serena “accidentally” announcing her pregnancy on Sheradopa’s birthday. I’m glad Serena Jr. following the family tradition taking away attention from her, considering how much shit she was talking about her mama in that book.

You know Sharapova is FURIOUS because her new book just came out and now Serena’s baby took all that attention away. Hahahaha.

Two weeks old and already has one championship win. Take that Sharapova!

Aw, what a cutie.