Kudos to you for providing the most succinct yet accurate description of the crime that I’ve read.
Kudos to you for providing the most succinct yet accurate description of the crime that I’ve read.
Somewhere there is an Auburn fan that is grumbling about the refs blowing three calls this weekend.
As an Auburn graduate, I can tell you that this is common.
I’m with you to a point. They’re definitely not “never before seen” shots. But nor are they merely “decent”. These are fantastic shots, even if they are more common than Giri lets on.
I mean, I’m not an expert on Australian tennis, but to a casual observer it sounds like at least two of those three players are batshit crazy.
This made my laugh out loud. I regret that I only have one star to give you.
Even if those two would have stood 44 up, there were about 5 other Clemson players that would have made the stop, very likely all arriving at the ball carrier at the same time.
I must be old because, while I understand the concept, I do not “get” the whole “influencer” thing.
I lold. And now I hate myself. So thanks for that.
I think people forget just how totally checked-out of the 2017 Peach Bowl Auburn was. That was a team that did not give a shit.
<golf clap>
Pitching machines — at least the ones I have used — are not nearly as consistent as you think. Depending on how the ball is placed in the machine, the launcher can grab onto laces or bare leather which will change the trajectory by many inches. In my kid’s league, we actually quit using pitching machines because too…
I’m laugh-snorting. WTF is happening to that man?!
Fuck all of you for making me realize I’m a Phil Collins fan.
Whether it was intentional or not, it was definitely a bad tennis decision.
Stephens had fewer options on her shots. In both cases she was moving (quickly) to the ball and, based on height, velocity, etc., she really didn’t have that many things she could do. In other words, until that drop shot, Stephens was on the defensive and just trying to keep the ball in play.
Yeesh. Glad you (literally) made it out alive.
Fuck me. That’s too much. When I got my big brother we just had a party. I drank too much bourbon and puked.
Legit question here: did you have any idea ATO was going to haze the fuck out of you?
I understand joining a fraternity. I was in one. What I’ve never understood is joining the fraternity that is known for hazing.