
Why, yes. Yes it is.

The returner swings his left arm in a way that could be mistaken for a fair catch.  I think the refs just missed one.

Am I the only one that thought the receiver flailed his arms?  Every time I see the replay, I feel like he’s swinging his left arm and calling fair catch.

So you’re saying that ol’ Brent went for a kinda-witty inside joke?

Yeah, this is not cool. Not cool at all.

but at the same time that reticence empties any threats they make, and it’s the threat that’s supposed to keep institutions in line.

I never really took issue with what SACS did. It was arguably overkill, but Auburn was definitely guilty of the crimes for which it was accused. (I was never really that worried about Auburn losing accreditation. It was undeniably a legitimate, viable university, which should be the bottom line on a subject like

I was a senior at Auburn in 2002/03 when SACS — Auburn’s accreditation org — placed the university on probation. The reason? They decided that some board of trustees members had too much power in the closing of an academic department and the hiring/firing of the football coach.

It’s a good joke, but in all seriousness, doesn’t Jambo kinda belong in his own category? I wanted to make a joke about his crime of a pre-game speech (‘Eat the W...’), but I just can’t. That dude has (probably) done some legitimately bad stuff.

The National Enquirer is run by shitty people?!?  I’m shocked!

Didn’t Sportsnation go in the tank after she left? (I think it’s getting better ratings now, but they’ve turned over the entire cast at least once). I liked that show but, after she left, it simply wasn’t the same.

The one thing that I learned from the Smokey Mountain fire last year is that wildfires move fast.  Your situation can go from “okay” to “holy shit, I’m gonna die” in less than 15 minutes.

When a fielder breaks the rules (like a hard slide), you’re looking at torn ligaments.

It’s pretty clear that this guy is a psycho. Not in the figurative, “Oh, Jim Harbaugh is a psycho” way, but an actual, legit psycho.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever beat the UFC glitches.

When I was younger I tried something similar when I was just sort of goofing around.  Fortunately I made a note of how much force it takes to break a string head-on.

This is the correct reply. The form is borderline but passable. You get my star and deserve more.

People who don’t play tennis simply do not understand the amount of evil that is contained within a bad racquet. When you find one, destroying it is the responsible thing to do*.

“... King, her now ex-husband Larry,...”?

I really, really hope you’re wrong. I really hope society says, “Hey, Urban, this is two psychos you’ve covered for -- we’re done with you.”