This comment is not getting the love it deserves.
This comment is not getting the love it deserves.
The Grizzlies are not exactly known for being a bunch of prima donnas and he lost that locker room in 10 seconds, flat.
Are Philip and Elizabeth named after Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip of England? If so, what’s the significance?
He’s some kind of husky, Latin Nolan Ryan.
And Paul Molitor. And Barry Larkin. And Wade Boggs. And so on...
Elizabeth is a psychopath who managed to find a (legitimate?) path for her murderous tendencies.
What do you think the FDA does, exactly?
I find your whole argument to be a giant straw man. But, because I love abuse, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Underrated take is underrated.
Is Andy Murray dating her? Because if they’re not, then its sort of not cool for her to look under the covers...
For real. I’m gonna assume the folks that are thinking “yeah, I can do that” don’t lift 55lb dumbbells very often.
The whole world lost their mind at the Harden play. This is like 1000000x more impressive.
I’m too lazy to look it up, but I believe I remember hearing that Putin is actually kinda short, somewhere around 5'6". Combine that with the fact that Trump is a little tall and you get the police lineup you see at the top.
Man, everyone makes the joke about showing up naked so that people give you lots of space. This guy is all action.
They probably figure it was someone like Ukraine that spiked poor Aleksandr’s food. They rest easy knowing that our Cheeto-in-chief ain’t gonna do a damn thing to them.
Good point. Hand guns are used in more mass shootings than rifles, BUT the number of fatalities with rifles is much higher.
I find both of those shots arousing. Absolutely unreal.
Sure, but as a general rule, I think it’s solid.
Can someone explain to me why requiring someone seeking permanent residence to speak the majority language is amoral? Other countries do it, e.g. New Zealand, France, Spain, UK, etc. I don’t see anyone giving them shit about it.
I don’t know why I bother reading HamNo’s stuff.