My wife is a MD, not a DO. This actually comes up from time to time because the DO folks have some procedures that make MDs stop and say, “Da fuq?”
My wife is a MD, not a DO. This actually comes up from time to time because the DO folks have some procedures that make MDs stop and say, “Da fuq?”
This. I mean, Cam damn hear had his head ripped off.
For people that don’t play tennis, you have no idea how fucking fast that is. The fastest serve I ever tried to return was probably between 100 to 110mph (I played competitively in high school). At that speed, you only catch glimpses of the ball: a millisecond after s/he hits it, maybe another millisecond after it…
Oh, well, glad to have been of service. John is one of the “gospels” of the Bible, books that focus pretty exclusively on Jesus: his history, activities, teachings, etc. He was a good dude. The anti-gay stuff did not come from Jesus. He had bigger fish to fry.
I can’t tell if you’re joking, but if not I feel obliged to say, no, that’s not actually what John 3:16 says. That particular verse deals with salvation offered by belief in and acceptance of Jesus.
I had the same thought. He even has the same fake accordion as Trump.
Or, legitimate confusion given the dizzying number of court orders and competing executive orders that have been issued.
I feel stupid for even saying this, but “Q Clearance” isn’t a thing. In the US, data goes on the following scale: