See, this is the inherent problem with heterosexual hookups. You’re all hung up on “beds” and “Apartments”. Do your bars not have bathrooms?
See, this is the inherent problem with heterosexual hookups. You’re all hung up on “beds” and “Apartments”. Do your bars not have bathrooms?
I’m just imagining a sad gorilla with an iPhone. “ u no girlfriend?”
Their clipart license ran out and they said “Ah fuck it. Call it minimalist.”
I don’t know. They may have a point. Those cups don’t look anything like the ones Jesus drank his Gingerbread Lattes out of.
The Yale issue? Here? Really? Weirdest conflation of two stories I’ve ever seen.
I literally do not put as much thought and planning into my actual life, as this guy put into his death.
Toothbrush. Made of teeth.
It’s not as much fun when they look too sad to make fun of. Super sad alcoholic fish in an electric barrel.
@prickamcdick: “...if you dig deep enough, you’ll find something to be upset about.”
I hear you. Nope. (Not saying this to you): Fuck the free speech argument when the theme of your dam school “mascot” is a racial slur. Your public school IS an arm of the government and the government cannot and should not promote such racist crap.
As a Washington Team-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named football fan, i say change it. Just pick a better name than the Washington Wizards….god thats awful.
I don’t know who has the best ankles, but I love all those shoes. Anyone looking for high quality replicas of shoes from the 20s to 60s, I recommend I have some replica 30s heels and they are actually super soft and comfortable.
Katy Perry?
Chappaqua gurls
We’re unforgettable
Starched pants suits, coiffed on top
Katy Perry is officially Hilary Clinton’s Left Shark™
Or 900 for a few 11 year olds.
If you want to get phelgm out of your lungs and throat, then cough. #hackhack