This is, beat for beat, a reimagining of The Fellowship of the Ring except for the fact that Samwise managed to find honey mustard.
This is, beat for beat, a reimagining of The Fellowship of the Ring except for the fact that Samwise managed to find honey mustard.
I’ll be in my bedroom all month watching this...
but Dune is the kind of fantastical sci-fi story that lends itself to Star Wars comparisons.
I thought S-Town was superior to Serial, but I think that’s because the milieu was far more novel to me. I live in a city, I’ve been to high school, but John’s world was constantly surprising and eye-opening to me.
You come at the queen, you best not miss
The wrong opinion on caraway invalidates the entire question. You are layer upon layer of wrong, built upon a core of wrongness.
Your kids sound like assholes.
But I know
Martin Freeman has made enough comments to suggest he might be kind of a jerk in real life. He’s made a lot of questionable comments about race, gays, and rape over the years that aren’t great.
Just don’t make anymore. Seasons 1 and 2 were great event TV but then it just turned into the “look how smart as writers we are” show with two writers who are frankly middling most of the time.
Will Tom Brady Sit, Stay, or Play Ball?
Congrats on having a murderer of multiple people bringing you happiness. Did the Unabomber also bring you great joy?
Hot take- in a reasonable world Ray Lewis would keep his mouth shut when it came to issues of morality and comportment.
Oh shit. This #metoo thing found my breaking point. DO NOT CANCEL PROJECT RUNWAY. Thank you for your time.
I’m apalled that an article mentioning Ciarin Hinds and Tobias Menzies working together doesn’t cite their previous brilliant work as Caesar and Brutus in ‘Rome’.
Antoni’s presence on the show is not to show off his expertise cooking skills; it’s to teach the guys he’s working with how to do something practical.
As far as I can tell (from instagram creeping/research) Antoni is a slightly clueless foodie who, nevertheless, is not completely useless in the kitchen. I kind of feel for him though - if he was flexing to the full extent of HIS abilities, there would probably be some criticism that ‘there’s no way these bozos…
Why are you here? You don’t like us and we don’t like you.
Is anyone going to ask men about #metoo or is it only potential female rape victims who get interrogated endlessly as to whether they’ve been raped? Maybe she feels she can’t afford to be truthful. What an ungrateful dumb bitch.