Mrs. Bennet's Nerves

The accents in Dragon Age: Origins messed with my head, especially since I played a human on my first run. All British accents and one French Orlesian redhead until you met Sten, who had that weird half-way accent Patrick Stewart uses as Professor Xavier.

You have some problem counting Drs.

Salute to a fellow fundraiser/fundraising-adjacent professional.

*Scans list*

So was anyone else super disappointed that mad scientist Qyburn’s super secret dragon killing weapon was a freakin’ ballista? I was really expecting some awesome alchemy mumbo jumbo. Ignoring the logistics of hitting a dragon in flight with a ballista (I really hope he’s planning to make a lot more than one of them),


I tried to woo a girl with Silverchair patch on her bookbag by showing off my knowledge of  The Silver Chair, fourth book of the Chronicles of Narnia. I didn’t know Silverchair was a band.

I’ll miss this.

I’m team Magary!

I hate people that use pets as props.

“It’s just hard to believe the dog was nasty when she took Lamby to every green room with her when Girls was still a thing 4 years ago.”


Man, even Marchman’s Ron Howard takes are bad.

Yesterday in my office a white middle age man started, while in the waiting room, to hold forth on “what do you expect when a man tells you to take three pills” and this “all happened so long ago, who cares”. Everyone else in the room was a woman. Some of them stared at the floor. I firmly asked him to keep his

Is there a dumber penalty in sports than having to retroactively forfeit games that were played years ago? It’s not like there’s some reward structure for official all-time record that they now drop a tier in.

How many athletes and their families have to prostrate themselves at the altar of amateurism before the NCAA and their useful idiots and fans change the rules?

The “I don’t want to have to think about stuff!” is at the root of so much unjustified white male nerd displeasure, because we’ve had the privilege of not having to think about stuff for so long.

Would like Baz on this. I think it would be pretty bad-ass. But Guy Ritchie? Nope.


Guys, Sinbad is right there waiting for that call.