
Completely off-topic/sidenote: the Dream/Black Takeover match had me on the edge of my seat. Everything was on-point, including post-match when Black finally called him by his name. Great shit.

HHH must have provided Vince with a ball on a string to keep him distracted.

Grunfeld is a dope and Uncle Ted needs to kick his ass to the curb. The “good” moves he makes are nothing more than a means to put out the dumpster fires he has caused with previous shitty trades. He also talks like Elmer Fudd, so there’s that too.

“...it first made a splash by being utterly unlike what everyone knew as WWE television. Here’s hoping that something like that can happen again.”

The Perfect analogy.*

Hiatus x Hiatus

Here comes the Payne!! I’ll show myself out, thanks.

That last slide...did it get real dusty in here all of a sudden?

“Stone Cold Steve Carbohydrate.” Expect a bill from me to replace the keyboard that I just spit coffee all over following a burst of laughter.

Sweet baby jebus thanks for sharing this clip. Alex Jones is what happens when a Dutch Oven and Cleveland Steamer procreate.

I’M NOT CRYING YOU’RE CRYING. Sidenote: this is truly a beautiful, classy and fitting tribute.

Her name sounds like the catchphrase for a hidden camera show: “Uh oh, looks like you got Quackenbushed!” And yeah, she’s a horrible person.

Like an ATM.

Not all heroes wear capes. Bravo.

This has given me a great dose of joy for the day. Thank you.

Loved the segment, but it should’ve wrapped up with an exclamation point: Cena reaches for the hot tag, Roman drops down from the mat and walks away, allowing the Good Brothers to annihilate him. Close with Roman doing his dickhead, shit eating grin at the top of the ramp.

Man, David Schwimmer really sold out.

Absolutely brilliant article. You hit the sweet spot of my youth, as the Midway classics were my arcade go-to’s. So many coins/tokens deposited. Completely worth it. Cheers.

You’re doing the Lord’s work. Bravo.

Perhaps he’s doing the meow bit a la SuperTroopers, but using Kurt instead. Of course, that would be clever and funny, two things that Goose Allen is not.