
Well played. That really quacked me up.

Some things can never be unseen.

All the stars for you, sir. All of them.

Holy shit! That’s pretty damn impressive. 

Meh, I’m not worried about it. After all, our solid bullpen will keep us in close games...er...aw, fuck.

Careful–the Dark Side can warp and person physically and mentally. Hence, McConnell’s lack of neck and lips.

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said a thousand times: never trust a man who lacks a neck and lips.

“Now if only Mike Rizzo could build a goddamn bullpen.” Amen.

Another backer here. I’ve been extremely impressed with the rate of updates from Iga et al., as well as the content revealed in each update. It’s easy to see Iga’s passion for this project and from the bits of info he’s been dishing during his E3 interviews (Extremely large bosses to fight, over a thousand rooms to

If there was a time for the Hive to gather their resources and discover the ID’s of the fuckface(s) behind the theft, this would would be it.

Seems a bit hypocritical for a transgender person to call out their own.


This is all fine and great, but let’s talk about the real highlight in the ‘rasslin world this past weekend: the clinic put on by Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne. HolyFuckingShit was that awesome.

Eye certainly didn’t see that coming. I’ll show myself out, thanks.

Someone should tell Mr. Cruz his toupee is on backwards. Perhaps a bi-product of an individual who spends the majority of time with their head crammed up their own ass.

Perfectly said. Lee’s Charisma is so fluid you can’t help but watch a match–and then upon seeing how much ability he has for a big man, you can’t help but become a fan. If anyone is deserving of an NXT shot down the road, it’s him...so long as they don’t completely obliterate his natural personality and charisma as

It’s only fitting that someone so full of shit would require a regiment of colon cleansers.

His Twitter profile pic just screams of a face that deserves to be punched, repeatedly.

The million dollar question, however, is what good are impressive specs if the games are shit?

I agree 110% with everything you’ve stated. The subtle Broken references via WWE’s Twitter handle and the Hardy’s backstage interviews are proof enough. Had the WWE wanted to, they could’ve easily told the Hardy’s to DELETE all Broken references. I think they’ll ride Hardy Boys gravy train until it starts to lose