I realise this story is about a specific community, but what generally is the anti-vaxxer response to the fact that their choices have resulted in so many children getting sick? I don’t know any anti-vaxxers (that I’m aware of) and I don’t pursue their company.
False about second choice for Sanders supporters being Biden. I hate to disrupt your narrative, but it’s Warren.
In February, however, when the University of New Hampshire asked Granite State voters which candidate they considered most “likable,” 31 percent chose Joe Biden and 20 percent chose Sanders.
Charisma is useful for getting elected, but it doesn’t appear to have much advantage when it comes to governing. See also “authenticity.” We as a polity have some really messed up prioties in terms of what qualities we value in people who are vying for important jobs.
Guys, they definitely can’t be trusted to read packaging while pushing kids in the store, amirite? Seriously confused and overwhelmed dad, maybe you should learn how to handle these things you put into the world.
My husband has yet to bring home fake meat when he needs the real deal. And he can’t cook. But he can…
I’m not sure if that was directed at me...but if it was I guarantee I’m not a troll. I definitely didn’t conclude in any fashion that the 2nd amendment protects firearm ownership from any regulation. Even Justice Scalia stated the 2nd isn’t absolute, a fact conservatives ignore.
To be fair, the true intent of most people who believe in significantly stricter gun control measures probably does go a lot further than they will say publicly. For example, a friend of mine was horrifically murdered earlier this year by a fellow tenant in the house he was renting a room. He and the landlady were…
You think relationships are difficult? Try friendships. Try courting someone in order to convince them to join you in some nameless, shapeless Platonic complication — forever. Convince an adult stranger that you are worth a healthy slice of their limited time and energy without the prize of sex or romance.”
If this is his second relaunch does this mean if this time doesn’t workout he runs for Senate? As how many chances can being a mediocre white male who is sort of attractive and young(ish) get you?
Of course O'Rourke is re-launching his campaign. The first one was just the Beto.
Red Flag laws bypass due process as it is. Now you want to extend that to denying future access to any other guns. And to clarify, the red flag warning should lead to a process of involuntary commitment if the threat it severe enough. Involuntary commitment is already a disqualifier for gun purchases.
Not to mention the fact that it implies we’re just going to continue to be okay with perpetuating the surveillance state. If a data mining operation can predict you are going to go on a shooting spree it can definitely predict lots of other things about you.
What if The Road but girl?
While the film and the allegations may have nothing to do with each other directly, I’m sure the misogyny that caused his *alleged* behaviour informs what this film is like, given that gender, specifically the absence of women, is the key plot device here. Just stating that obvious point for the trolls.
The lack of explanation is so fucking infuriating. For me, it’s not getting pregnant that’s the problem; it’s staying pregnant. My husband and I saw a specialist recently, and she said that since I don’t have any family history of fertility problems and I’m in good general health, I “probably” don’t have anything…
As some one who has gone through all of the things, from IUI, medicated IUI, clomid, IVF and adoption If I had known at 33 when I know now at 41 I would have done IVF right away. the difference 3 years makes on fertility is huge. All of the tests and appointments and missed work add up to far more than a cycle of IVF…
We’ve been there. Unexplained infertility is so difficult of a diagnosis. You’re desperate for a name, a condition, a reason why!? Just diagnose me and we can make a plan but “unexplained” is deeply frustrating. Best of luck to you both, I know how consuming trying unsuccessfully is.