
After years of working in electoral politics, I wish I could agree with you. Check out current polling on how white/non-black people feel about racism, affirmative action, “reverse” discrimination, etc. There is a reason Trump and his team belabor the same talking points over and over again - they resonate not only

During the time that Holmes decided to do this scam, there were LOADS of White* Silicon Valley bros poo-poohing college or secondary skilled training, basically saying that to make all this money all you needed to do is come up with a business plan and fake it; and then you could outsource the research/back office/

That said I think it needs to change from strict military service to encompass broader national needs.

I agree with this! You and I might differ incrementally on some of the terms, but I am with you all the way. There are sooo many secondary benefits of national service, too.

Eh, the shitheads who waffle as such and would vote for Trump because they’re “burnt out” on sexism are way outnumbered by the rest of us with itchy fingers waiting to vote him out of office. Unless the Democratic nominee shits the bed in the final stretch, I’m not losing sleep over dummies who might be turned off by

Bingo. Capitalism isn’t going away any time soon, and Warren at least understands that, and understands the system well enough to figure out how to change it

It’s amazing that his positions galvanized a new generation of activism and have pushed the Democratic field to the left. He is demanding many things that we sorely need. I also agree that responsible adults must compartmentalize to some degree when it comes to political candidates - you won’t like EVERYTHING about

It appears I’m in the minority for believing the media did jump the gun on this situation and failed to do due diligence before running the story. I sincerely hope the lawsuit fails but newspapers and media outlets need to stop running immediate stories on viral videos like this one. ( That and stop reporting that

i believed the first reports that the boys surrounded the indigenous man and mocked him. then i saw the longer video, and saw that the elder walked right up to and into the boys. he was absolutely the aggressor. the group of kids, some were smiling along, some were embarassed, some made jokes (as they would anyone who

Yes, the media and pretty much everyone else jumped on this story too soon before they knew all of the facts. But let’s not forget, he was wearing a MAGA hat, which is shorthand for “I Hate Brown People” or “White Male Power” take your pick. WaPo didn’t exactly smear him. He told us who he was with the hat.

I very much agree with you. I think white people are quick to cry wolf about “reverse racism” and I don’t know many examples of “white face” (honestly never really discussed such a thing until now), but if the two existed, I wouldn’t support them. I just think to say that only some races are capable of certain

I understand how reasonable diversion sounds to you. As someone who works in the courts day after day, I agree that this is normal. However, we all act like prosecutorial discretion doesn’t exist. Like we’re doing her some giant favor by not throwing her in jail. It’s not okay to pat ourselves on the back for not

I mean, I wouldn’t put the blames on the courts here.  The diversion agreement seems like a best case scenario if the insurance company was pushing to prosecute.  The problem obviously is that you have to stoop to commit a crime to get common antibiotics for a sick child.  

You are misreading my comment. I in no way suggested that anyone should be angry at Mr. Phillips. I think he believed his actions would help in the moment. But in retrospect, banging a drum into a crowd of rowdy and dumb teenagers is not the best way to resolve tension. Again, it was a well-intentioned miscalculation.

I agree with everything you wrote here. I think the longer video puts it into better context, especially where the kid make a motion with his hand to his friend to knock it off. I feel bad for him that he has been the target of so much anger. The video makes clear that if anyone deserves anger, it is his friends, the

I watched the whole of the first video clip of the event that I encountered and what I thought I saw in Sandmann’s eyes was awkwardness, discomfort, and a desire to not make a bad situation worse. I realize many saw the exact opposite. I’ve decided that the evidence is too ambiguous to draw conclusions and have noted

CNN actually did one with him before the kids parents got the PR firm on retainer.

Did Sandmann also do the tomahawk motion or was that just his idiot classmates? He’s dead wrong when he says his school isn’t racist, but if he just stood there and smirked when approached by Phillips, it’s idiotic to single his actions out as racist.  Who are the young men making the tomahawk motions? Who are the

So what happens if this situation is truly complex. What happens if we know Nathan Phillips’s felt fear And the students weren’t intentionally antagonizing him? Viral videos like this often force us into reactive decision making based upon established loyalties. Its in their nature to play to our biases.

Our local women’s gymnastics team often places within a rank or two of UCLA, who has competed here. Women’s college gymnastics is one of the few sports we support and go to anymore. There is something different about the energy and team interaction (yes, they all dance like that as a team while a teammate performs)