
Personally, I write from the assumption that Jezebel readers (and frankly all women) are smart enough to know “distinctions among a very broad spectrum of behaviours that range from shitty date/inappropriate to harassment to rape and kidnapping of minors.”

The discussion and analysis of people who commit sexual harassment and abuse doesn’t necessarily mean they are equal crimes.

I did not say the allegations against CK or R. Kelly are the same anywhere in this post. I’m talking about a common attitude in the entertainment industry that lets men off the hook for a whole spectrum of abuse and sexism because they’re artists.

The whole point is by booking ck you are saying you do not value the professional safety and integrity of women. That is a big fucking deal. 

This is such a well written and absolutely important piece. I love the comparison between Louis CK harassing someone vs. Joe Schmoe doing the same at a normal 9-5, because you're right there is no difference- only in how some people perceive one as "work" but not the other.

I appreciate your response. Like you, I disagree with nearly everything she says. New blood is absolutely necessary in politics. The same people have been in power for far too long and they have only made the government bigger, less responsive, more wars, and less accountable. They no longer represnt the people.

Right, that’s it. You Yanks have gone too far this time.

....oh, Jesus, can you imagine Hunter S. Thompson with access to Twitter and a shit ton of mescaline?

Binders full of them. 

So when it’s someone you don’t like, it’s “throw the book at him”, but if you agree with him because he loves bashing Trump, then it’s “he’s being framed”?

When I was 22 I had an affair with a married 48-year-old man. To my knowledge, it was never discovered by his wife or anyone else. He was not rich or famous, but he did make me feel very safe, important and worthy. My own emotional growth at that time was less than my age, but I saw myself then as a fully liberated,

Yay! Thank you.

Oh boy this is a real team no one situation right here.

I’d like to co-sign all of this about the dangers of the scientifically illiterate writing about scientific subjects, and also to add the fish oil is a supplement, but there are at least two omega-3 acid ethyl ester formulations available by prescription (Lovaza and Vascepa). Being available by prescription means

It’s such an obvious troll. People really shouldn’t fall for this level of blatant nonsense.

Politicians should be like cartons of milk and be labeled “Do not use after (this) date”

Be rad if both sides of the aisle would pass the reins to the next generation all around.

Oh cremini, it really pushes my buttons to hear that the president has a mushroom, because I’ve always thought he had no morels.

There was an insta post that summed it up for me: “His show was the only show on television that tried, with all its might, to make Americans not terrified of other people.”

News blasted us, hard. Came in the morning we were getting ready to leave to visit Amsterdam for the first time. We had just watched his episodes on the city the night before.