
Its an unpopular statement but 92% of ICE arrests in 2017 had either criminal conviction or pending charge. Overall arrests are up but deportations/removals actually decreased in 2017. If I remember right this pales in comparison to the massive raids and total arrests of 2012. I mean “Operation Cross Check” ended with

Daniels said she had “no further comment” on the matter

little spiders cutting onions all over the place at my house

I enjoyed the discussion too. And we all have our biases and all we can do is try to look for them. It’s the hardest thing.

Then you misread my intentions and made unsubstantiated assumptions.

No, not really. That context did not come through to me at all. To me it sounded like what you were saying is “she co-opted feminism for her dastardly ambitions”. Also, there’s no such thing as a perfect feminist. There are women who influence history, and create a net positive world for all women. Hillary Clinton is

Zero conversation = lots of conversation here.

And where did I disagree with those ideas? She can be both. I hear you found my wording problematic but you just to major assumptions in the process.

You know what I call this?

Stood on a platform of women’s rights? Ffs, you make it out like that was always some kind of advantage, when Clinton arguably pioneered the “women’s platform” in politics. The conservatives hate her because she said she doesn’t bake cookies, and took an active role as adviser in her husband’s administration. They

Fucking thank you. HRC is no different than any other public figure who committed transgressions in the past. We didn’t forget about Dr. Dre hitting Dee Barnes 20+ years ago. Why does HRC get a pass?

You understand that this story involves a woman who was sexually harassed, spoke out, and then was reassigned to protect her harasser right? Maybe be less enthusiastic about how little you care.

Took the words right out of my mouth. I am utterly amazed at the responses here.

Remember, it takes people in power to protect sexual predators. That includes women like Clinton who are willing to due so to benefit themselves. Not only did she turn a blind eye but she totally undermined the woman who came forward. Clinton is complicit.

Yeah that would have been a lot better. I still think its the right choice for him not to go though.

Wait why the Boston dig? I know some men from Boston are douches but not all - should we talk about the men from NY real fast orrr?? This has nothing to do with CA being from Boston, or MA it has to do with him being an asshole. They come from all over man.

Too obvious: Replace him with Christopher Plummer.

But for real though - would it have been any better for him to show up to the awards show and present?

Yeah...no. Taking a class to learn how to comfortably perform a common type of acting scene is not like getting a job as a stripper. Doing a sex scene takes specific choreography and needs to be approached professionally as well as with the proper mindset; you have to figure out how to get comfortable doing something

I’m a white woman, so I’m not going to try to speak for women of color. However, it is well known that WOC face more discrimination and oppression than men of any color, or white women. Let’s not pretend this information isn’t readily available in 2018.