
I don’t buy the narrative pushed by the media and pundits that the left hasn’t had policies or ideals that appeal to the working class. But I agree that that is the false narrative that is being pushed and thus that is what people assume. The democrats have always had the better economic message; they just need to be

1. We do have a term for it - sexual coercion. It covers encounters like this that aren’t necessarily illegal, but aren’t exactly super consensual either, because one person made the other person feel like they couldn’t refuse sex. When someone is ignoring your attempts to shut sex down, it’s hard to be 100% sure that

So, I will present a counterpoint:

I’m going to question the mental acuity of anyone that votes for Manning with a similar prejudice as a Trump voter.

In an interview with the Guardian, Manning outlines her three main platform positions: close all prisons and release inmates, make hospitals free, and open US borders completely. She’s not messing around.

Candidates matter just as the Alabama GOP. I really don’t think Maryland which has a large military and former military population would look too kindly upon a Senatorial candidate that leaked classified secrets to a front organization for Russian intelligence.

I’d like to formally announce the Critical Thinking Challenge

It just amazes me that we’ve taken the “if I don’t have attention I don’t exist” part of our psyches and turned it up to eleven.

Because the crime stats of interracial violence are pretty much the exact opposite of this picture in current year.

“This is a women’s march. We’re supposed to be allies in equal pay, marriage, adoption. Why is it now about, ‘White women don’t understand black women’?”

Even if it doesn’t happen, isn’t the fact that everyone is  expecting a strong reaction indicative of a serious problem?

Oh good god. So we’re just opening to floodgates then? This comment section is going to be buried under so much toxic bullshit.

I often observe that they are much more confident when it comes to being stepped on than they are at realizing they’re stepping on someone else.

Or that men shouldn’t be held responsible for not simply asking ask for consent. Apparently according to all these anti-feminist think pieces; men lack a portion of the brain associated with the ability to ask “is this okay”?

She said no. Verbally. Several times. She verbally expressed her discomfort several times. And he kept at it.

YES EXACTLY. So many of the people responding to me want to talk about legal vs. not legal, when that really doesn’t matter — we’re internet posters, not lawyers. The important things are that he a)persisted in trying to have sex with someone who didn’t want to have sex with him and b)publicly identifies as a

The thinkpiece we need is one where we examine reactions to defend his behavior because “it isn’t illegal”. It wasn’t illegal for CK to jack it in front of his victims (in some states) but NO ONE had a problem saying that it didnt matter. I love Aziz. But he deserves to be called out.

Ditto. Just turned 38. I’m horrified at some of these comments.

Fuck this. All these assholes coming out against Grace is hurting MeToo more than anything else. Misogynists are jumping for joy that apparently coercive behavior and pressuring women is not seen as a bad thing. Everyone keeps slut-shaming Grace, or straight-up ignoring the facts of the situation. She came out BECAUSE

For what it’s worth, I’m 39, and firmly #TeamGrace. She was naive and didn’t really know how to handle herself in a sexual situation gone bad, but I think we’ve *all* been unsure of ourselves in that realm at some time. We’ve all made mistakes that made us vulnerable. (If you can honestly say you haven’t,