Women are going to tear each other apart for the crimes of men.
That can’t be true about Hoffman since 1987 is after Tootsie came out. You know when he learned all the pain and pressure being a woman entailed and decided they were worthy of respect?
My personal fav suggestion on this list:
Don’t just thank black women for this win- hire black women, support black women, vote for black women.
She needs her own show or something. I always enjoy seeing her segments.
How long before Spurlock tries to monetize his confession in the form of a documentary series on a-newly-woke-man’s-guide-to-avoiding-sexual-harassment-and-assault he will shop around town?
Feels like actual justice for once.
SO much of this article bothers me. He is getting harassed for having PTSD and being unable to work? His medical expenses have gone up FIVE TIME?! And you end with someone else being let go before being eligible for a pension?!
The injustice in this world is wearing me out. This poor man. I hope he wins. Hell, I hope he gets rich.
“With Johnny, it seems to me there was one person who took a pop at him and claimed something.”
This number is so fucking depressing:
Jesus it’s depressing reading reactions like this one.
This is literally the EXACT same justification many Republicans voting for Roy Moore are using. You’re in fine company.
So, you think morals and standards only matter when they score you points against the other side? That’s a pretty craven worldview. Expecting people in your party to do the right thing is not “getting played,” because the people who wanted Franken to resign have already gotten what they wanted: to have one less…
You’re an asshole
The problem with the Democrats is that when push comes to shove, they actually have an overarching moral code, rather than the bizarre malleable thing the Republicans call a moral code.
They were literally career-ending. That was the whole point.
This, by far, BY FAR, is the worst ‘apology’ statement out of the whole canon of ‘I’m sorry if anyone thinks they were hurt by the things I remember differently. I’m going to go away for a little while, because I need to make myself believe again that I’m awesome - so awesome I don’t need to rape!’ apologies.