
I get the general feeling. No way he ever has enough states to repeal the 22nd. Just not going to happen. He could try to ignore it but even then conservative justices won’t ignore the clear cut definitions. The question is would be if enough resolve and tradition remains in Congress and the executive (it is bigger

Bernie and Clinton both need to step aside. No matter if you are progressive or centrists, they are both old guard politicians who have had their time to affect change. I voted for Bernie in the 2016 primaries and I actually agree with much of the spirit of what Clinton says. But I also recognize the merits of this

Or his absence of any meaningful response to the sexual harassment documented within his campaign.

These legislators aren’t the proper people to tackle this nuanced issue. But Jezebel writer’s have shown multiple times now that they aren’t able to deal with in logical and scaled way either.

I clearly do, I've said it multiple times.  But the same respect inherent in that approach also leads to engaging people in good faith.  Can you see how your previous response lacks that fundamental respect?

PS....your own statement makes zero sense. The freedom to self-identify is inherently different than the ability to compel others to use specific pronouns and/or control the speech of others. I choose to honor personal decisions by transgender individuals because I personally believe individuals deserve that respect.

You obviously haven’t read what I said in an honest or good faith way.

I’ll go back and re-read the document. It’s a tedious but important 26 pages. If it’s as you say then more power to the company and judgement. Commitment to anti-discrimination policy in the workplace is a completely acceptable boundary, as you highlight.

Indeed, and as I previously said, the law seems to support the company’s right to not extend the contract.

I read the 26 pages and saw that “judgement”. A bit odd as it relates to one situation outside the work environment in which she admits she accidentally misgendered an individual on an internet forum. It’s odd as she also stated, and seems try to do, that she does her best to use an individual’s preferred pronouns.

Can you show evidence of that? Every summation and analysis I have read is that the case surrounded a series of texts, not work behavior. That would be a fundamentally different situation then is being discussed.

What a complicated mess.

The unsolicited advice is driving us crazy.

Thank you for this. “No more deportations” is so far from a reasonable demand of a candidate right now.

The full quote helps give more context to his first reply but it was still a horribly constructed reply to an important issue.

Thanks for the thoughts. Sadly she has ALS and dementia so it’s going to get much worse before it gets better. Moving her in with us at the new year as she was reckless with finances and has no money for memory care. It’s going to be the toughest 1-3 years of our lives to watch her mom slowly die in the spare room

This, so much this.

That’s not the point at all. It’s that all of us are already carrying a certain amount of emotional burden on any given day. There is nothing narcissistic to recognize their are moments in which we don’t have the bandwidth to safely carry other people’s.

You clearly don’t understand the logical fallacy of “false equivalence”. Just repeating your accusation without any proof is beyond lazy.

I didn’t use a false equivalence by any means; you clearly don’t understand that logical fallacy. I’ll reiterate again, the Democrats aren’t responsible for these hideous judges; that’s all the fault of Trump and likely the insidious Federalist Society.